

Programs for Funding Undergraduate/Graduate Students for Study or Research Abroad

AAUW Community Action Grants
Fellowships and grants for women.

Alumni and Friends of the London School of Economics
Full-tuition to American citizens (or permanent residents) for one year graduate study at the London School of Economics.

American Scandinavian Foundation
Funding for students from Scandinavian countries to study in the US and for US students to study in Scandinavia.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program
ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholars Program
Funding for undergraduate study abroad.

Charles B. Rangel International Fellows Program
Funds two years of graduate study in field relevant to the Foreign Service

DAAD Annual Grants
Funding for undergraduate and graduate. study in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Davies-Jackson Scholarship Program
Funding to study at Cambridge.

Davis-Putter Scholarships Fund
For students working for peace and justice.

East-West Center United States South Pacific and East Timor Scholarship program
Funds study in South Pacific and East Timor.

Erasmus Mundus Programme
Funds graduate study (masters and Ph.D.) in European Union countries.

Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD)
Global program for study in the US.

Freeman-Asia Scholarship program
Scholarships to support study abroad in East or Southeast Asia

George J. Mitchell Scholarship
Funds two years of graduate study at any Irish university

Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Scholarship
For young journalists.

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program and Senior Fellowships
Supports doctoral dissertations on peace.

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Regular Program
Funding to study in a foreign country.

Luce Scholars Program

Mandela Rhodes Scholarships
Post-graduate opportunities for South African students.

Marshall Scholarship
Funds two years of graduate study at any UK university

National Academies Fellowships Office
Fellowships for researchers in Academic, Federal, Industrial and International workforces.

Public Allies
Ten month program with local nonprofit organizations.

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program
Support activists, practitioners, scholars from new and aspiring democracies.

Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships
One year study abroad opportunity in any discipline in over 160 countries worldwide.

Rotary International Peace Scholarship
Funding for study at a Rotary Center for International Studies.

Samuel Huntington Public Service Fellowship Award
Funding for graduating college senior to pursue public service worldwide.

Studio Art Centers International - Florence
Study abroad in art/art history and Italian culture and language.

The Gates-Cambridge Scholarship
Funds research and studies addressing global problems.

The Humanity in Action Foundation
For students studying for understanding and working for human rights.

The Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)
For students interested in studying or teaching in Japan.

The Kosciuszko Foundation Tuition Scholarship Program
For graduate, undergraduate, and exchange programs in Poland.

Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Information Technology Fellowship
For students interested in foreign service.

William Jefferson Clinton International Scholarship Program
Funding for study abroad.

World Teach
Teach for one year in a different country.


Student Academic Grants and Awards

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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