

Services Quicklinks

Academic Building Access (after hours)

To arrange after-hours and/or weekend access to academic buildings for rehearsal, research, or study, a faculty member must email approval in advance to safety@willamette.edu. Include student name, ID #, place of access, and dates/times of access.

[ General building access information ]

Alarm Response

To report an alarm, call 503-370-6911 (ext. 6911 from any campus phone). Campus Safety officers respond immediately to all alarms on campus, including fire, smoke, motion, water, and window screens.


You may register your bicycle with Campus Safety or the Bike Shop at no charge and receive an identifying sticker. A tire pump is available for use in the Campus Safety office.

[ Register your bicycle with Campus Safety ]

Biohazard/Sharps Disposal

If you see blood, sharps, vomit or other biohazards, call Campus Safety to arrange cleanup and safe disposal.

Departments or classes which produce biohazards may bring approved containers to the Campus Safety Office Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Campus Safety will arrange Marion County Environmental Services pickup. To obtain approved classroom containers, call the Safety Education Coordinator at 503-370-6907 (ext. 6907 from any campus phone).

Candle Use Requirements/Agreement

Candles are prohibited from rooms and residence halls. However, with prior written approval, certain candles may be used at sponsored events following strict guidelines. Review requirements and a printable agreement. Call the Safety Education Coordinator at 503-370-6907 (ext. 6907 from any campus phone) with any questions.

Compass Card Assistance

Report lost or stolen cards immediately by phone (503-370-6000 or ext. 6000 from any campus phone) or email. Replacement cards can be purchased for $15.00 at the Service Center / Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Compass Card office is located at 750 Ferry Street SE, Salem, OR 97301 / behind the College of Law.

[ Visit the Compass Card site ]

Event Safety Planning

The Office of Campus Safety would be pleased to help you plan a safe and secure group event.

  • Does your event include alcohol? Call 503-370-6911 to arrange security.
  • Candles? Purchase candles which meet Oregon Fire Code from Campus Safety and fill out the Candle Use Agreement.
  • Decorations? Contact the Safety Education Coordinator at 503-370-6907 to schedule a pre-event inspection.
  • Contact the Scheduling Office for the Events Request Form, the Events Planning Guide, catering information and more. Call 503-375-5442.

Guest Card

For the safety and security of students, employees and facilities, ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí requires University Department sponsorship before a ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí ID card or unescorted access to a University building is approved for any non-student/non-employee. The sponsoring department must submit a completed, signed application to the Director of Campus Safety.

For additional information contact Campus Safety at safety@willamette.edu

Lockouts (Residential)

  • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Find roommate or RA/CM in your building; if unsuccessful, call Campus Safety
  • 5 p.m. to midnight: Page the RA, CM or URep on duty
  • Midnight to 8 a.m.: Call Campus Safety

Lost & Found

Found items are delivered to the Campus Safety office. Due to space restrictions, items are retained only 30 days, then donated to charity. Call Campus Safety or email safety@willamette.edu.

Material Safety Data Sheets

The Safety Education Coordinator can assist you in obtaining Material Safety Data Sheets. Call 503-370-6907 or ext. 6907 from any campus phone.

Medical Emergencies

Call Campus Safety first. Campus Safety will:

  1. take enough information to guide first responders
  2. send an officer (certified in CPR and first aid)
  3. dispatch WEMS when available (Willamette Emergency Medical Service is a licensed student EMS agency in the State of Oregon)
  4. contact and city emergency services, if required.

Campus Safety officers and staff provide immediate primary assessment and victim assistance, and carry emergency equipment such as automated external defibrillators. Campus Safety will notify the Housing office  of a hospital transport; Housing staff will provide additional support, including a staff person at the hospital if requested.

Students may contact Bishop Wellness Center for non-emergency health information.

Parking Enforcement

Parking regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Campus Safety officers and enforcement assistants patrol all ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí and TIUA lots. Report parking violations to Campus Safety.

[ View Parking Regulations ]

Parking Tips

  • Parking on Mill Street near the University Center is allowed, but only with a valid WU parking permit.
  • Short-term parking meters are available in Sparks, Belknap, Doney and Kaneko parking lots.
  • The train station is located across the street from the southeast corner of campus.
  • Bike lockers at the Amtrak station are available through Mid-Valley RideShare.
  • Discounted Cherriots bus passes may be purchased at the Campus Safety office.

Preventing and Treating Substance Abuse

Information on the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, warning signs that might indicate problems, University policies, applicable laws, and resources available at Willamette and in the local community is contained in the

[ Important phone numbers ]

Safety Education

The Office of Campus Safety provides information and training on fire safety, personal safety, OSHA requirements, Material Safety Data Sheets, and related topics. The Emergency Preparedness Guide, fire drills, Safe Driver Program, Employee Building Captains, and safety and security maintenance are coordinated through this office.

To arrange for general or specific safety presentations, call the Safety Education Coordinator at 503-370-6907.

Safety Escorts

Campus Safety offers safety escorts on campus, and up to two blocks off campus, during all hours of darkness. Call 503-370-6911.

Sexual Harassment and Assault Reporting

If you have been harassed or assaulted - physically, verbally or electronically - please call Campus Safety immediately, or see addition victim-support resources below.

  • Campus Safety staff will make sure you get the medical treatment you want, and advise you of support and reporting options.
  • If you choose to file a report with Campus Safety, you will be interviewed in a private and respectful manner, and may guide the extent of any subsequent investigation.
  • You may have a friend or a University Sexual Assault Adviser accompany you throughout the process.
  • Additional victim-support resources:
    • "Sexual Assault Advisors" section of the Student Handbook,
    • "Information, Resources" section of the ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí Selected Policies Manual,
    • Counseling Services 503-370-6471 M-F 8am-noon, 1pm-5pm (see also the Resources link)
    • SARA (Sexual Assault Response Allies) 503-851-4245 weekends; weekday evenings at the Women's Resource Center, 3rd floor, University Center
    • Area Coordinators or other Housing staff members
    • Salem Police 911 (emergency) or 503-588-6123 (non-emergency)
  • You can opt out of the internal student directory in Self-Service.

Suspicious Person or Activity Response

Call 503-370-6911 (ext. 6911 from any campus phone) immediately.

Suspicious activities to be reported include "scoping" vehicles in parking lots, "trick" skateboarding, removing recyclables from trash cans or bins, etc. Suspicious persons include salespeople soliciting anywhere on campus (except at reserved tables in front of The Willamette Store), and anyone who acts or seems "wrong." How to recognize "wrong":

  • The person is wandering around testing doors or windows.
  • The person abruptly stops or alters their direction of travel when they realize that you are watching them.
  • The person gives an excuse for their presence that doesn't make sense.
  • The person states that they are visiting a friend, but they don't know the friend's name or room number.
  • The person is waiting to be let in because they "lost their key," but they don't know the name of the building or what a Compass Card is.
  • You live in the building but you have never seen this individual before.
  • The person appears to be hiding from someone or something.
  • The person has a bundle of items and they tell you that they are moving in or out, but it is not the normal move in/out time of year.
  • The person picks up an item left by someone else.
  • The person is attempting to sell something, or solicit funds.
  • The person just doesn't appear to belong in the residence, but you can't define why you feel that way.

Vehicle Assistance

Campus Safety officers will attempt to assist you with a limited number of vehicle problems, such as dead batteries, keys locked in vehicles, and covering a broken window. Call 503-370-6911.

Welfare Check

If you are concerned about the health or safety of a friend or neighbor, call Campus Safety at 503-370-6911. An officer will immediately attempt to find or contact the student, verify the situation, and make an initial assessment. Campus Safety may contact other departments, such as Bishop Wellness Center, the Housing office, and/or WEMS to assist, if required.

SafeRide Program

Use your ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí student ID to pay for taxi services provided by Yellow Cab.

  • Call Yellow Cab at 503-362-2411. Tell the dispatcher you are using SafeRide.
  • Show the driver your valid Willamette ID card. The driver will enter your name and ID number on a SafeRide form.
  • When you arrive, fill in the total to be paid, sign, and return the form to the driver.
  • The Office of Campus Safety will pay Yellow Cab and bill your student account for the total.

Download a printable, wallet-size version of these instructions in


Campus Safety

Salem Campus

University Services Building
Office Hours:
7:30 am–4 pm (M-F)
Officer available 24/7/365 at

Portland Campus

Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design
Office Hours:
8 am–4 pm (M-F)
Officer available 24/7/365 at

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