

Driver Disqualifications

The following criteria will be considered as a guide in driver disqualifications. The University reserves the right to either disqualify or qualify individuals based on the severity of an offense or accident.

1. Have any one of the following (Type A - see matrix below) citations on the driver's Motor Vehicle Record:

  • Conviction for reckless driving
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • At fault in a fatal accident
  • Felony conviction involving a vehicle
  • Conviction for alcohol and/or drug-related driving offense
  • Refusal to submit to blood alcohol test
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Failure to appear in court
  • Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
  • Assault or homicide with a motor vehicle
  • Driving in excess of 100 mph

2. Have any combination of four moving violations and at fault accidents (see matrix below). Examples of moving violations are:

  • Running a red light
  • Ignoring a stop sign
  • Speeding
  • Passing a stopped bus
  • Other

3. Matrix Definitions

  • Borderline - Motor Vehicle Report will be checked every 6 months; approval subject to no deterioration in the record.
  • Prohibited - Person is prohibited from driving University insured vehicles.

Driver Acceptability Matrix

# of Moving
# of Accidents* # of Type A Citations*
0 1 2 3 4 1 or More
0 Clear Acceptable Acceptable Borderline Prohibited Prohibited
1 Acceptable Acceptable Borderline Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2 Acceptable Borderline Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
3 Borderline Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
4 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited

* Number within the past 3 years.

Borderline Motor Vehicle Report will be checked every 6 months; approval subject to no deterioration in the record.
Prohibited Person is prohibited from driving University-insured vehicles.

Safe Driver Application

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Campus Safety

Salem Campus

University Services Building
Office Hours:
7:30 am–4 pm (M-F)
Officer available 24/7/365 at

Portland Campus

Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design
Office Hours:
8 am–4 pm (M-F)
Officer available 24/7/365 at

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