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Provost’s Academic Council (PAC)


The Provost’s Academic Council assists in academic planning for the University and is the approval and review body for academic programs that cross the boundaries of individual schools within the University and for University level academic policies and processes.  Its responsibilities include: 

  • soliciting and evaluating proposals for new cross-university programs, degrees, certificates, etc.;  
  • assuring the assessment of such programs, including a 5-year performance review for continuation; 
  • collaborating with academic units on academic policies for cross-university programs; 
  • ensuring appropriate access and success for all students in such programs
  • contributing as needed to accreditation processes and reports

The Council is also responsible for supporting productive collaborative conversations on academic planning and curriculum among the  schools and across the campuses; PAC may also help to suggest, facilitate, and implement strategies for  incentivizing such collaboration.  Ad hoc working groups may be formed as needed for specific program development.  

Membership of the PAC includes:

  • Members of the Deans' Council (currently all school deans and VPSA)
  • Faculty curricular lead position from each School (e.g. curriculum chairs) 
  • University Registrar 
  • Associate Provost for Academic Finance 
  • Assistant Provost for Academic Planning and Accreditation

Other individuals are invited as needed to propose or consult on program development or policies.  

PAC meets regularly monthly; meeting agendas will be shared on the Provost’s website.


Office of the Provost

University Center 310
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.