

Women of WU

Each year, the GRAC Celebrates Women's History Month with nominations and selections of "Women of WU." We are happy to announce the Women of WU for 2023! This campaign features women who have positively impacted our community through their storytelling and leadership. This year, we selected nine students, three faculty, and three staff.

The purpose of this project is to offer recognition, visual representation, and meaningful insight about leaders on our campus. These efforts create a historical account of women who have impacted our community. This project continues each year, showcasing empowering leaders on our campus with hopes of inspiring others. This year, we have incorporated the theme, "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories," into our selection process.

  • Alexandria "Lex" Alveshere, PhD
    Alexandria "Lex" Alveshere, PhD

    Pronouns: she/her

    Job Title: Visiting Assistant Professor

    Involvement on Campus: I teach general chemistry as well as Chemistry for Kids, where we explore what K-12 chemistry education looks like and how to effectively teach students chemistry from elementary school to high school. I am also heavily involved in the STEMinar program and mentoring neurodivergent STEM students.

    Someone I Admire: Sally Ride

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: I love how passionate everyone here is and willing to engage in deep, meaningful conversations about the world around them! I'm amazed at how deeply students and faculty alike care about making the world a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just place, and I'm so excited to see students go out and turn those words into actions.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Action

  • Hannah Jones
    Hannah Jones

    Pronouns: she/her

    Major: Biochemistry

    Involvement on Campus: General Manager of The Bistro, President of the Residence Hall Association

    Someone I Admire: I really admire my mom, she's the nicest person I know and always takes great care to love me and the people in my life.

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: I've learned how to stand up for myself and the groups I represent in order to ensure their best interests are being put forward. I've had the most amazing experiences as a leader here, the students at Willamette truly do their best to help one another.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Growth

  • Harriet Siqueland
    Harriet Siqueland

    Pronouns: she/her

    Major: Sociology

    Minor: CCM

    Jobs: Outdoor Program Assistant Coordinator, ODP Steppin' Out, Restorative Justice Coalition

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: There are 5 stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Rest

  • Huike Wen, PhD
    Huike Wen, PhD

    Pronouns: she/her

    Job Title: Professor in Civic Communication and Media Studies; Global Cultural Studies; Women's and Gender Studies

    Involvement on Campus: Advisor of Sinophone Cultural Association; Faculty Liaison of NW5C Community Engagement Learning; Relationship Development

    Someone I Admire: bell hooks

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: My colleagues and students are creative, adaptive, and diligent. More importantly, they are willing to listen and eager to contribute to a supportive and inclusive community. Being a leader requires to recognize people's strength and needs and understand their individual background to provide support and ask for help.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Supportive 

  • Ineda Pearl Adesanya
    Ineda Pearl Adesanya

    Pronouns: she/her

    Job Title: University Chaplain

    Involvement on Campus: Chaplain, Spiritual Leader, Inner Caregiver, Grief Counselor, Religious Studies Instructor, Social Justice Advocate, Spiritual and Religious Student Club Overseer, Black Student Union Advisor, Intern Supervisor, Community Gatherer, Friend, and Confidant.

    Someone I Admire: Octavia Butler

    What I've learned from being a leader at Willamette: I’ve learned that patience is indeed a virtue.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Liberation

  • Jaclyn Rojo
    Jaclyn Rojo

    Pronouns: she/her

    Majors: Psychology and Spanish

    Minor: Economics

    Involvement on Campus: Community Service Learning Assistant Coordinator, Resident Advisor

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: I've learned a lot from other leaders at Willamette who have had such diverse experiences and have helped me to become a better leader for my fellow students.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Equitable

  • Laila Pickett
    Laila Pickett

    Pronouns: she/her 

    Major: Public Health Minor: Biology

    Involvement on Campus: BSU President, Cheer Captain, RA, Dance Co Choreographer

    Someone I Admire: My whole support system, I have been brought up by some amazing people and I can't thank them enough for it. Each brick in my foundation has taught me to listen, learn, love, forgive, and most importantly be the B.E.S.T me I can possibly be.

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: I am a huge advocate not only for myself, but my community. I do my best to elevate all voices to ensure that everyone is heard, because I believe a good leader stands with her team! I also use my past experiences, mistakes included, to help build up and improve the future for others, in and outside the classroom. Improvements don't happen overnight, standing together and making a difference step by step is most important. 

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Compassion

  • Mary Vickery
    Mary Vickery

    Pronouns: she/her

    Major: Mathematics

    Minor: Biology

    Involvement on Campus: I am a Lead Caller at Bearcat Chat, I am Co-president of the Willamette Rugby Football Club, and a Contributing Writer for the Collegian.

    Someone I Admire: I admire my mom. She inspires me every day to be the best me that I can be.

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: I have learned so much about communication and generating a healthy environment for myself and those around me.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Openness

  • Maya Lucero-Romero
    Maya Lucero-Romero

    Pronouns: they/them

    Majors: Spanish, Global Cultural Studies

    Minor: Latin American Studies

    Job: E&E Supervisor

    Involvement on Campus: Native Sign Project (CAFES), Native and Indigenous Student Union, Co-Founder of Neurodivergent Student Union, Leader of Neurodivergent Students of Color, Queer Trans Students of Color, EDI Committee (from fall 2020-spring 2022), Recipient of Carson Grant

    Someone I Admire: The people at Willamette who believe in me despite my difficulties

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: Through being a leader at WU I have learned the importance of boundaries and being accommodated and how to establish those at the beginning of a relationship to ensure my personal well-being

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Transparency

  • Nicole Rodgers
    Nicole Rodgers

    Pronouns: she/her

    Job Title: Assistant Registrar

    Involvement on Campus: Registrar's Office, Willamette Academy Graduate, 2014 WU Alumna, MLK Steering Committee, Into the Streets Community Service Committee

    Someone I Admire: Raquel Martin, Ph.D

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: Trust your team. If you know you've hired great people, trust them to do the job and do it well.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Community

  • Rou Rou Hutchinson
    Rou Rou Hutchinson

    Pronouns: she/her/hers

    Major: Chinese Studies

    Involvement on Campus: I work as a student manager at the Hatfield library, Chinese language tutor, and as a Colloquium Associate and peer mentor to first year students. In the past, I was also a student ambassador with the Admission Office. I am a part of many student clubs on campus, and especially enjoy being on the student executive team for Sinophone Cultural Association [SCA]. I am also the former co-president of the Asian Coalition for Equality [ACE].

    People I Admire: My mother and Amal Clooney

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: Something that I've enjoyed from being a leader at WU is how supportive all student organizations are of each other, especially student clubs within the Office of Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion. In previous student leadership positions, I never thought about reaching out to other leaders for help or offering my own support. Here at WU, I've been able to collaborate with a number of student clubs and learn from other student leaders, which made the experience much more enjoyable. Plus, I've been able to make amazing friends from working together and always felt encouraged to continue my work from the support provided by other leaders.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Connected

  • Tama St. Onge
    Tama St. Onge

    Pronouns: she/her/hers

    Major: Exercise & Health Science

    Minor: Spanish

    Involvement on Campus: Native & Indigenous Student Union (NISU), Barista at Rick's Café, Bearcat Pantry Co-Coordinator, Resident Advisor

    Someone I Admire: Delia Olmos-Garcia, Executive Director of Willamette Academy.

    What I've Learned from Being a Leader at WU: You don't have to have a certain leadership style to be a leader, and depending on the leadership position that you're involved in, the approach may shift. Because of this, there is no one-way or perfect approach to being a leader, and staying true to yourself is important.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Diversity

  • Taylor Hamura
    Taylor Hamura

    Pronouns: she/her/hers

    Major: Biology

    Minor: Chemistry

    Involvement on Campus: Student Researcher with Professor Melissa Marks, President of Willamette Dance Company, Choreographer for both Dance Company and Hawai'i Club's Lu'au, 3x First-year Resident Advisor for RLH

    Someone I Admire: My mom!

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Understanding

  • Teresa Hern谩ndez, PhD
    Teresa Hern谩ndez, PhD

    Pronouns: she/they

    Job Title: Assistant Professor of English, American Ethnic Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies

    Current Research: Race in the Pacific Northwest; preserving local oral histories; Latinx communities in Marion County. 

    Involvement on Campus: I serve as faculty advisor for two student groups and am starting a chapter for Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society) this year. "

    Someone I Admire: My family & community in the Rio Grande Valley—but especially the memory of my father, Oscar Hernández.

    What I Have Learned from Being a Leader at WU: My WU students & colleagues have been wonderful teachers on leadership. They remind me to lead, teach, and serve with a community vision in mind.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Mutuality

  • Tiara Johnson
    Tiara Johnson

    Pronouns: she/her

    Job Title: Academic Technology Administrator

    Involvement on Campus: I work in the WITS team at the PNCA campus and recently became the advisor of the Outdoor Adventure Club.

    Someone I Admire: Sally Mann.

    Word of Hope for a Better Willamette: Community


Gender Resource and Advocacy Center (GRAC)

Montag Loft
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
GRAC: 503-370-6728
Sexual Assault Response Advocates Hotline: 503-851-4245
Confidential Advocate: 503-375-5361

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