

Confidential Advocate

The Confidential Advocate provides confidential support to students who have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking. Specifically, they assist students in exploring options, provide resources, and offer guidance as they navigate decisions and processes related to unwanted sexual contact.

Students can confide in the advocate with assurance of legal privilege. This means that disclosures remain confidential and do not prompt further investigation, except in cases of abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult, or intent to cause harm to self or others, without a court order or a subpoena.

The Confidential Advocate helps students create a sense of safety and well-being and gain lifelong skills for overcoming obstacles, developing healthy relationships, and thriving in their academic and personal lives.

Sexual Assault Response Advocates (SARA)

If you would like to speak with a trained confidential peer advocate, the SARAs support students in the GRAC during the academic year Mon - Thu from 3 - 7 pm and Fri from 3 - 6 pm, excluding study days, finals weeks, and holidays.

About the SARAs

Confidential Advocacy Basics

The confidential advocate and the SARAs can work with students to help sort through options and resources available at Willamette and in the community that might be helpful.

We encourage survivors to consider personal safety and privacy as you prepare for an advocacy appointment. Select the communication method (in-person, phone, or video conferencing) you believe entails the least risk for you.

We can help create a safety plan if any of any concerns exist. A safety plan is a helpful tool to either navigate or end an abusive or unhealthy relationship.

We also support students who are not survivors of gender-based violence with resources, support, and advocacy. This type of advocacy is often related to helping students support friends who are survivors and training or coaching students who are interested in working to end violence. We aim to provide anti-racist, gender-inclusive feminist support to all students.

A few ways a confidential advocate can support a survivor:

  • By outlining reporting options (to the university or law enforcement).
  • Explain what happens next with a Title IX/Sexual Misconduct report and any related processes.
  • Talk through what has happened, and act as a space to share concerns.
  • Assist with housing changes or temporary housing (both on and off campus options).
  • Help a student with their academic success (getting extended deadlines, communicating with professors, changing class schedules, etc.).
  • Explain options available through Human Resources, and the HR process for handling matters like this as they relate to employees.
  • Navigate medical/counseling or other support resources (on and off campus).
  • Answer questions students may have, or help find information needed for unique circumstances.

GRAC Confidentiality Policy

On-Campus Medical Support Resources

To receive limited medical response services as a result of sexual assault like emergency contraception and STI testing at no cost, contact Bishop Wellness Center at 503-370-6471 to schedule an appointment.

Non-Confidential On-Campus Resources 

To pursue non-confidential reporting options on campus either reach out to the Title IX Coordinator, the Office of Student Affairs, or complete the online . Find out more about non-confidential reporting and support options

Off Campus Resources

24 Hour Hotline (503) 399-7722 

Salem Hospital Emergency Department

For comprehensive medical care, including a sexual assault forensic exam, visit the Salem Hospital Emergency Department. After an assault, with the support of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) you will receive a medical exam for injury and forensic evidence collection. They will provide medications for possible STI exposure and pregnancy prevention to survivors at no cost. A trained hospital advocate will be offered to support survivors during the visit or the Confidential Advocate can accompany you to this visit. Reporting to law enforcement is NOT REQUIRED to access hospital care.

Contact the Confidential Advocate

The GRAC offers in-person and virtual confidential advocacy services.


Phone or online appointments can also be scheduled via email.

Contact: <confidential-advocate> for an appointment.


Gender Resource and Advocacy Center (GRAC)

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