
  1. Student ID: This is your 杏十八新茶分享 Student ID number, which will be your ID number for the entire time you are a Willamette student.
  2. Award Programs: Your scholarship, grant, and/or student loan eligibility is listed here.
  3. Estimated tuition, fees, room and board costs: Your estimated costs for tuition, fees, room, and board are listed here. Note, if you are approved to live off campus, then you are not charged room and board by 杏十八新茶分享.
  4. Costs for which you will be billed: The amount listed here is approximately what you and your family will be billed for by 杏十八新茶分享, assuming that you utilize all scholarships, grants, and loans listed under the Award Programs section. Two amounts are displayed here, depending if you will be living on campus (and therefore charged room and board by 杏十八新茶分享) or if you are approved to live off campus.
  5. Books and supplies: In addition to tuition, fees, room, and board, you will also need to budget for books and supplies for the school year. The University does not bill you directly for these costs—you can buy books and supplies from any source (including our on-campus bookstore). You should plan for this out-of-pocket expense at the beginning of each semester.
  6. Federal Work Study: If you qualify for the Federal Work Study program, the amount will be listed here. It is listed separately because that funding is not available to you at the start of each semester to offset the costs of tuition, fees, etc. Federal Work Study is only paid to you over the course of the school year as you work and earn the wages.

Sample Award Letter

Accessing Your Award Information Online

Ready to see your award now?


Office of Financial Aid

1st Floor Waller Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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