

Exterior Lighting Replacement Plan

  • Building mounted lights will be replaced where possible with pole lights or lower level lighting in order to get the light levels down to 10’ or less. Trees and bushes often block the light from building mounted lights creating dark areas or areas perceived to be darker than surrounding lighted areas.
  • Building mounted lights will be upgraded to the new exterior lighting standard as time and budget allow.
  • Safety walks will be performed twice a year as well as monthly exterior lighting tours done by Facilities to identify lights that are out or cycling.
  • Safety issues attributed to lighting will be prioritized over perceived lighting safety issues with the priority determined by Facilities and Campus Safety.
  • Lights requiring a lift to access will not be changed until there are enough to warrant the cost of renting the lift unless it has been determined to be an emergency by Facilities. Lifts are typically rented during winter break and in the summer prior to Opening Days.
  • New Exterior Lighting Standard = 5000-5700k LED, night sky compliant, acrylic prismatic diffusers, Spring City “Old Town” 10’ poles or equivalent.

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