
  1. What is a Service-Learning Partner?
  2. How can I be listed as a Service-Learning Partner?
  3. What should I ask a student when they call to serve with us?
  4. Do I have to take all service-learning students who call?
  5. Can I require students to do more than the required hours for class?
  6. What can service-learning students do at my organization?
  7. How can I make sure the experience is educational?
  8. How long can I be a Service-Learning Partner?
  9. What paperwork is involved in this partnership?

1. What is a Service-Learning Partner?

A Service-Learning Partner is a community organization who is willing to work with faculty members who are requiring service-learning as a component of their course curriculum.

2. How can I be listed as a Service-Learning Partner?

Email service@willamette.edu and let us know you are willing to be a Service-Learning Partner.

3. What should I ask a student when they call to serve with us?

You can screen them as you would your volunteers. Ask the students what they hope to accomplish while serving with you. Find out what course they are doing this for. Ask to see the syllabus. Discuss how their service will connect to the course and fulfill the course's learning objectives. Find out why they chose your organization.

4. Do I have to take all service-learning students who call?

You are free to screen students as you would your volunteers. In fact, we prefer that you not take more students than you can supervise and provide quality opportunities for.

5. Can I require students to do more than the required hours for class?

Yes. Keep in mind that the faculty member has set time requirements for the service-learning portion of their course. Students may or may not wish to do more hours.

6. What can service-learning students do at my organization?

Service-learning students can do a number of things with you. You may have planned specific projects with the faculty member you are partnering with. Keep in mind that the projects must meet learning objectives for the course the student is enrolled in. It may be helpful to ask the student to show you the course syllabus to see what those learning objectives are.

7. How can I make sure the experience is educational?

The educational component is key in service-learning. Students are linking their experience to the learning objectives of the course. Feel free at any time to ask the student to reflect on their volunteer work, how it relates to their coursework, and how they are changing as a result. Keep in mind, you are a co-educator in this process.

8. How long can I be a Service-Learning Partner?

You can be a partner for as long as you would like to. At anytime, if the partnership is not working for you, let us know. We will try to make it work. You can also request to be removed from the list at any time. You will automatically be moved to the next year's list unless the partnership is not working as a learning environment (through evaluations and/or site visits).

9. What paperwork is involved in this partnership?

There is not always paperwork required. Students will bring you any required paperwork. You may need to work with the student to complete a Service Learning Contract. You may need to sign their hours documentation form. You may also be asked to complete a brief written evaluation at the end of the term. The paperwork varies depending on the nature of the course.


Office of Civic Engagement

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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