

Call for brief Lenten reflections

Contact: Chaplain Ineda Adesanya

Share a reflection to inspire or encourage pertaining to ethical, spiritual, or religious life.

On Feb. 22, Christians around the world will observe Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season (Lent).

For 40 days (not including Sundays) before Holy Thursday (a.k.a. Maundy Thursday), Christians seek to mimic the life of Jesus, the Christ on earth often sacrificing (giving up) something of importance to acknowledge and honor Jesus' great sacrifice.

Moreover, the Lenten season symbolizes a period of preparation that focuses on some of the following themes: fasting, self-reflection, almsgiving, justice, sacrifice, simplicity, sincerity, grieving, solidarity, compassion, and community.

It is my hope to collect 40 Lenten reflections from various WU community members to share each day with our Willamette community. I am looking for short reflections that can be inspiring, encouraging, or thought-provoking reflections pertaining to ethical, spiritual, or religious life.

You do not have to be religiously or spiritually affiliated to submit. With an eye for fit and flow, I will review and place each submission.

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