

Changes to Today@Willamette coming soon

Contact: Office of Communications

An updated look and a new submission deadline are part of the redesign.

Starting on Monday, Jan. 30, Today@Willamette will take on a new look and focus.

After reviewing subscriber interest and feedback, we have redesigned Today@ into a more concise, easy-to-read layout. The daily newsletter will still include administrative updates and announcements, but it will better highlight events and activities (including athletics events and gallery listings) to satisfy reader interest. Today@ will continue to run daily, with weekend editions featuring only information about events and exhibits (no announcements).

In addition to the new design, we are changing the Today@ submission process. All submissions for announcements must be due by noon on Thursdays for publication in the following week’s editions. If you want to publish an announcement sometime during the week of Jan. 30 when the new Today@ launches, you must submit the announcement by Thursday, Jan. 26.

New announcements will only be allowed once per week. If you opt to submit the same announcement twice, the submission form will automatically offer the following week's dates.

As part of the new submission process, staff and faculty will now be able to edit their own announcements and teasers will be optional. 

We will continue to post this reminder about the upcoming changes to Today@, but encourage you to share this information with your colleagues.


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