

Tommy VanCleave co-authors book on service-learning

Contact: Lisa M Landreman

A guidebook to transforming community partnerships.

I am pleased to share that Tommy VanCleave, Willamette’s Assistant Dean for Civic Engagement has co-authored a new book entitled, "Faculty service-learning guidebook: Enacting equity-centered teaching, partnerships, and scholarship."

As we are reminded in the university strategic plan, the core values that shape Willamette’s identity, begin with Willamette’s motto, “not unto ourselves alone are we born.” The belief that the purpose of education is to advance one’s capacity to be of service to others connects all members of the Willamette community.

As we work to live out this value, Tommy and his authors provide a roadmap for designing and implementing community-engaged scholarship and pedagogy that centers community-based knowledge as the foundation for effective and inclusive community engagement. The book serves as a practical guide for developing reciprocal community partnerships and community-based research through an equity lens.


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