

Special message for students from GRAC Director Lisa Logan

Contact: Lisa J Logan

Logan shares support space for our LGBTQ+ students — and students who are survivors — during break.

As Willamette’s LGBTQ+ students and students who are survivors of violence prepare to return home for fall break, I want to acknowledge and provide support for those of you who may face difficulties with family, friends, and your home communities during your time off. Additionally, if you plan to not return home over break because of expected difficulties, I am here for you!

While for many students, returning home can be a time of celebration and joy, for some students this is not the case. I recognize the importance of being accepted and affirmed by loved ones and the role this plays in your overall well being. If you expect to experience stress and difficulty over the break, whether it is because you will be spending time with unsupportive family members or because these struggles are keeping you from returning home over fall break, please consider me a resource.

If you plan to disclose your status as a survivor or if you plan to come out to your family over break and need some support in the process, I am happy to sit down for a conversation with you and provide resources, hold a practice session, make a self-care plan, or make a plan to set new boundaries with loved ones.

I will also hold virtual office hours over the break via Zoom to provide support:

  • Friday, Nov. 18, 2:30 - 3 p.m.
  • Monday, Nov. 21, 10 - 11 a.m.
  • Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1 - 2 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Nov. 23, 11 a.m. - noon

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