

Study abroad application deadline coming up

Contact: Office of International Education (OIE)

Deadline is Dec. 6 to apply for summer 2023, fall 2023 and spring 2024 programs.

Students in Salem and at PNCA have the opportunity this fall to apply for programs during summer 2023, fall 2023 and spring 2024.

Utilizing a variety of programs — both in English and focusing on language development — students can find great opportunities for both academic and personal gains. We have programs developed specifically for study abroad students as well as programs where students will directly enroll in a university like Willamette or PNCA abroad. We have exchanges where students change places with one student going from WU to a school abroad and a student coming either to Salem or PNCA.

It's not too late to start the process and submit an application!! The deadline to apply is Dec. 6.

Not sure if or where you might study? Watch the "Where will you study abroad?" video for inspiration from your fellow students. 

For more resources, be sure to check out the following links (below):

* Visit the How to Apply page for all the details about the application process.

* Watch the First Step video and complete the Request Advising form (both on the How to Apply page) to get started and to meet with an OIE study abroad advisor or a student mentor.

* Explore All Programs on the OIE website for more details about all the program options.

Students are also sharing their experiences on our social media accounts so be sure to check out Global Willamette on Instagram and Facebook plus Global Willamette - Tellus on Facebook.

If you have any questions, please email us at oieadvising@willamette.edu. We can't wait to see where you might study away!

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