

The 2022 midterm elections are here

Contact: Don Thomson

Get informed. Use your voice. Process the results.

Regardless of your political affiliation or stances on issues, elections can elicit a range of emotions including hope, stress, and even fear for what the future will hold. But, voting is a tangible and proactive way we can all engage in the systems that affect change.

Participating in the political process is an opportunity to have meaningful discourse while demonstrating care and compassion for others. It is also a way we can communicate to policy and lawmakers about what is most important to us.

Get informed

We urge our community to learn all they can about the candidates and issues on the ballot. There are a number of available resources that can help: NPR publishes a for every state. Additionally, , launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund in 2006, has a “First-time Voter Checklist” with links to resources where you can find information on candidates and ballot measures for Oregon and other parts of the country.

If you can, vote!

Remember that not all community members may have the opportunity to vote because of nationality, immigration status, criminal status, and age. Voting with your community in mind is a way to put into action Willamette’s motto: Not unto ourselves alone are we born.

Also, while it may feel like your vote doesn't make a difference, a Harvard poll from earlier this year found that 18- to 29-year-olds are expected to participate in record-breaking numbers at this year’s midterm elections on November 8, and will undoubtedly have an impact. Your vote matters. Lastly, as the JED Foundation reminds us, .

Need a space to process the outcome?

We will be offering a space to gather as a community the day after the election on both the PNCA and Salem campuses. All are welcome.


12:30-1:30 p.m.



11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Alumni Lounge, UC


Marketing and Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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