

Looking for class representatives

Contact: Inez A Nieves

ASWU is looking for student representatives for 2023 and 2024.

The Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享 is looking for students to represent the Class of 2023 and Class of 2024 in the student government Senate. Three seats are open in each graduating class mentioned.

ASWU is a great opportunity for any and all students to get involved with improving our campus and making Willamette the university we as a community want it to be: equitable, sustainable, and welcoming.

Senators must attend a weekly Senate meeting from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (meetings may vary in length) on Thursdays in Ford 102 and will vote on important resolutions, such as club funding and campus improvement projects. The time commitment for being a senator is as little as a couple hours a week. Even in such a short amount of time, student senators have the opportunity to pay dividends in the impact they will have on our campus and the connections they will make doing so. Appointed senators will serve a semester as opposed to a full term.

If you are a third or fourth year student who would like to represent your graduating class on student government, please contact Vice President Ian Curtis (imcurtis@willamette.edu) expressing your interest in being appointed. Should you have any questions about the Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享, its mission, and its work, please contact Press Secretary Inéz Nieves (ianieves@willamette.edu) with your concerns.

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