

Excellence in Research Award (University Libraries)

Contact: Craig Milberg

If you have written and researched an excellent paper this year, please consider applying.

As we head into the homestretch of the academic year, don’t forget about the Excellence in Research Award, sponsored by the University Libraries. If you have written and researched an excellent paper this year, please consider applying. This award recognizes and rewards Willamette undergraduate students in any discipline who demonstrate outstanding research using library and information resources in writing a paper. 

Papers written in the sophomore or junior year as part of regular class work are eligible to be considered for this award; papers done as a senior project but in the junior year are excluded. The paper must be seven pages or more in length and written in the current academic year (fall 2021/spring 2022). Up to two awards of $500 each are available. 

Papers and a one-page description of your research process need to be submitted by the last day of finals May 6, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The faculty mentor who worked with you during the production of the paper is asked to submit a statement of support and a copy of the assignment. For complete details and instructions, visit the link below. 

Get your application in soon - $500 could help pay for a number of your textbooks next fall.

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