

Lenten Reflection Series 2022

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

Chaplain Ineda P. Adesanya offers a Lenten Reflection.

"This Lent I have reflected on what it means to surrender and a verse in the Gospel according to Luke when Jesus says that those who obey the word of God are blessed (Lk 11:28).

I remember learning to swim as a child. Lessons were going along just fine鈥n the shallow end of the pool. On the last day, every child was required to jump into the deep end and trust that they had acquired the skills to come back up to make it to safety. I was as afraid as I had ever been, hesitating and holding on to the railing too long, when the swim instructor snuck behind me, picked me up and threw me into the deep end. Indeed, God鈥檚 grace and some of what I had learned that summer kicked in, and I made it safely out of the water.聽

A true life of faith and obedience requires a leap into the deep end. I believe this is what Jesus means when he implores us to hear the word of God and obey it. We must let go of the railing, surrender and know that God can and will catch us and lead us where we need to go! May we all learn our own way of letting go of the railing this Lent."

*Please be reminded that if you'd like to contribute to this Lenten Series, we invite you to submit a reflection using the link below. No specific religious, spiritual, or ethical orientation required. 聽

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