

Lenten Reflection Series 2022

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

Kim Griggs, Interfaith Chaplain Intern, offers a Lenten reflection.

"This Lent I have been reflecting on a prayer I read from the Women’s Ordination Conference, a Roman Catholic organization dedicated to gender equality and social justice. It confessed that we are tired of ashes– the ashes of war, wildfire, and devastation; communities and creation in continual crisis.

We show up every day often grieving, outraged, numb, exhausted. Everyday often feels like it deserves lamentation. Frequently I wake up and feel like dust, and I’m reminded that the impermanence of life is both heart-aching and relieving.

On days when it feels easier to return to dust for all of us, I hope we may be embraced by the caring presence and solidarity of our communities, that we may be motivated by the hope that justice promises, that we may feel emboldened by our agency, and that we may be reminded of our dignity and value in this world."

Please be reminded, if you are interested in contributing to this Lenten series, we invite you to upload a short reflection using the link below.

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