

Lenten Reflection Series 2022

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

Sue Corner, Dean of Admission, offers a Lenten reflection.

"I have always appreciated the extra motivation prompted by the Lenten season to let go of an unhealthy habit or a dependency that lessons the quality of my life or those around me.  This year, the passage commonly known as "A Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi" is a daily guiding light that inspires me, in our fraught and hurt and angry world, to think about what I can both give up and take on.  I'm finding it a helpful way to start each day of Lent for the betterment of myself and those with whom I live and work.

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love,

Where there is injury, pardon,

Where there is doubt, faith,

Where there is despair, hope,

Where there is darkness, light,

Where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much

Seek to be consoled as to console,

To be understood as to understand,

To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

Pardoning that we are pardoned,

And dying to self that we are born unto Eternal life. Amen."

Please be reminded, if you are interested in contributing to this Lenten series, please upload a short reflection using the below link.

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