

PHEAL Program research presentation

Contact: Joyce Millen

The Public Health-Health Ethics, Advocacy, and Leadership Program cordially invites you to a research presentation.

The PHEAL Program cordially invites you to a research presentation with Taylor Ottoman Etzel, Master of Science from Brown University and a current Ph.D. student from Johns Hopkins University in Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

Thursday, Feb. 17, from 4 - 5:00 p.m. in Ford Hall, Theater Room 122.

Taylor Etzel, a doctoral candidate at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, will discuss her research examining the impact of prenatal and early childhood endocrine-disrupting chemical exposures on birth outcomes, childhood obesity and cardiometabolic health.

She will also discuss how eco-social factors influence disparities in endocrine-disrupting chemical exposures and health, as well as how her research can inform public health interventions to reduce chemical exposures in vulnerable populations. 

This research presentation is open to the Willamette community. Masks are required.

For more information or disability accommodations, please email jmillen@willamette.edu or sbasu@willamette.edu.

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