

Free books available for "Convo: Hope to Keep Going"

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

There's still time to sign up for a free copy of Dr. Nicholas Grier's book.

All Willamette faculty, staff and students still have the opportunity to receive a free copy of Dr. Grier’s book by registering at the attached link below. 

Continuing the conversation from his MLK lecture “We Need Rest!,” we invite you to register for a free book and join Dr. Nicholas Grier on Feb. 10 in our upcoming series "Convo: Hope to Keep Going," related to his book "Care for the Mental and Spiritual Health of Black Men: Hope to Keep Going." 

It will be located in Cone Chapel from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and the topic will be Critical Race Theory and Womanist Theory. Reading Chapter 2 of his book will be great preparation for this conversation.

Save the dates for future Convos with Dr. Grier on March 10 and April 14.

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