

Spring EMR certification course provided by WEMS

Contact: Kelli O'Brien

Become an Emergency Medical Responder for a fraction of the cost and join a tight-knit group of responders on campus.

By completing the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course offered by Willamette Emergency Medical Services (WEMS) you will be eligible to apply for an Oregon state EMR license.

As an EMR, you will learn basic airway management, medical and trauma assessments, proper CPR techniques and AED use, cervical and full spinal immobilization/stabilization precautions, overdose, and alcohol poisoning intervention, bleeding and shock management, bone fracture and sprain stabilization, psychological interventions and childbirth, along with being able to serve the Willamette community as an active responder in WEMS.

As a tight-knit group of students from all different backgrounds and areas of interest, WEMS offers a wonderful opportunity to gain volunteer and patient hours, build up a resume, gain class credit and network both within and outside of the Willamette community. WEMS alumni have gone on to all kinds of professions within the healthcare industry along with numerous graduate programs. All have cited WEMS as a foundational aspect of their career development.

This EMR class will be held during spring break and classes will be held from March 23 - 25. They will run from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. with a one-hour break for lunch each day. State testing will occur on March 28, with each individual test time scheduled directly with your instructor. 

The class will be offered in person by our amazing instructor, Sharon Von Volk Greve, an EMT-intermediate with many years of experience under her belt in public EMS as well as private organizations. Additionally, WEMS is working in conjunction with CAFES and the Office of Financial Aid to help increase accessibility to this course.

For more information about the course, please complete the enrollment form below or send an email to kdobrien@willamette.edu. The deadline for enrollment is Feb. 2. There are only 16 spots available, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in becoming an EMR and supporting our community through WEMS.

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