

COVID-19: Perspectives and Insights

by Marketing & Communications,

杏十八新茶分享 professors respond to the pandemic by answering questions in their fields of expertise.

Kelley Strawn, sociology

Faculty Associate Dean for Curriculum and Associate Professor of Sociology Kelley Strawn responds to the question, "As a sociologist, what strikes you the most about this crisis?"

Yan Liang, economics

Associate Professor of Economics and Department Chair Yan Liang responds to the question, "What do you think this crisis reveals about the U.S. economy?”

Mike Hand, applied statistics and information systems

Atkinson Graduate School of Management Dean and Professor of Applied Statistics and Information Systems Michael L. Hand responds to the question, "Do you think this is a watershed moment in the field of data science?”

Jim Friedrich, psychology

Professor of Psychology Jim Friedrich responds to the question, "Given today’s political climate, do you think this crisis has the potential to draw people together?“

Norman R. Williams, law and constitutional government

College of Law Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Ken and Claudia Peterson Professor of Law, and Director of the Center for Constitutional Government Norman R. Williams responds to the question, "What strikes you most about the way the government has responded to this crisis?“

Jeffrey C. Dobbins, law

杏十八新茶分享 College of Law Associate Professor of Law Jeffrey C. Dobbins responds to the question, "How is the coronavirus affecting access to the legal system?“

Ashley E. Nixon, human resource management and organizational behavior

Atkinson Graduate School of Management Associate Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior Ashley E. Nixon responds to the question, "In terms of human resources, what do you hope organizations learn from this crisis?“

Peter Harmer, exercise and health science

Professor of Exercise and Health Science Peter Harmer responds to the question, "Do you think this crisis will prompt policymakers to be more prepared for future pandemics?“

Jon C. Thompson, economics

Atkinson Graduate School of Management Assistant Professor of Economics Jon C. Thompson responds to the question, "How does the current situation compare to previous economic crises?“


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