

Best questions to ask at your college visit

by Marketing & Communications,

  • Students walking on campus

Google all you want, but visiting a college virtually or in person is the best way to find out if it’s truly right for you. 

Admission officers suggest you identify and prioritize the information you want to learn from the campus before you depart. General rule of thumb: avoid questions that could result in “yes/no” answers and develop ones that reflect some research. 

Willamette admission officers have suggested the following to get you started: 

  • What do students complain about?
  • Who is your typical student?
  • What does diversity look like at your campus? 
  • What are your most popular areas of study? 
  • Why do students leave your campus, if they do?  
  • Is it typical to graduate in four years? 
  • How do students access merit scholarships and other financial awards? 
  • What do your alumni do? 
  • What kinds of clubs and activities does your campus offer? 
  • What are the most important application deadlines? 
  • Do students commute to campus or live there? 
  • Can you tell me about the support mechanisms for students, both academically and otherwise? 
  • Do students stay on campus on the weekends? 

Students are often surprised by how drastically their list of college choices can change following a series of campus visits.  There’s no better investment of time and a bit of money to ensure you’re on the right track.


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