

New tenure-track faculty start the year

by Marketing & Communications,

Willamette welcomes three tenure-track faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts and Atkinson Graduate School of Management.

Katherine Skovira, Music

Assistant Professor of Music, Zeller Chair of Opera Studies and Director of Dramatic Vocal Arts

Skovira Katherine's head shotKatherine Skovira is a contemporary music vocalist and specialist with degrees in voice and vocal pedagogy from Cornell University (BA), Westminster Choir College (MM) and the University of Minnesota (DMA). She has performed and collaborated with many leading contemporary musicians, orchestras and festivals, including Sir Simon Rattle, Barbara Hannigan, the Lucerne Festival Academy and the Aspen Music Festival. Skovira is most excited about teaching Dramatic Vocal Arts and vocal master classes in addition to coaching students in pedagogy and diction. She also looks forward to climbing Smith Rock.

Yuqi “George” Gu, Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Assistant Professor of Finance

Head shot of George GuGeorge Gu’s areas of interest include empirical corporate finance, corporate governance, risk management and corporate innovation. Gu previously taught at Western New England University. He has a BS from the University of Hong Kong and PhD from Temple University. Some journals that have published his work include the Journal of Law and Economics, the Journal of Economics and Business, and the International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences. Gu looks forward to getting to know Willamette’s students and working with fellow faculty members.

Anusha Ramesh, Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management

Photo of Anusha RameshAnusha Ramesh has a PhD from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. She also graduated from the doctoral program (FPM) of the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Ramesh completed a dual degree at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, including a Master of Science in physics and a Bachelor of Engineering in electronics and instrumentation. She has been published in numerous journals, some of which include the International Review of Entrepreneurship, the Academy of Management Perspectives, and Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.


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