

Get involved in clubs at Willamette

by Marketing & Communications,

  • three students twirl flaming poi in a time-lapse photo so the fire forms circles around them

Feel like spinning fire for fun? Intrigued by the three-stringed sanshin or how to crack passwords in a cybersecurity league? 

With 91 registered student organizations available this year, it’s harder to find something you’re not interested in. 

Here are a few organizations that are slightly off the beaten path: 

Poi club

Learn the art of poi (pictured above) on the Willamette campus. Poi balls, glowsticks, zuni, fire and other tools will be used.  

Sanshin Club

Open to any undergraduate and American Studies Program student, the club helps you learn about the traditional Okinawan musical instrument as well as Japanese history and culture. 

Poetry For Life Club

Serve people living with dementia or other forms of Alzheimer’s disease through poetry and fun activities. about women’s lacrosse player, Katie Luis, who started the club.   

Stitch and Bitch

Knit and crochet your way to community building and healing through the Respectable Society of Fiber Arts. 

Student (Cyber) Security League

At weekly meetings, learn cybersecurity concepts in preparation for the National Cyber League competition.

Get involved

Join a club — it's one of the best ways to meet new friends, discover something new and be part of Willamette’s culture. 

Full list of student organizations


University Communications

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