

New tenure-track faculty start the year at Willamette

by University Communications,

Willamette welcomes two tenure-track faculty members who work in the College of Liberal Arts and Atkinson Graduate School of Management.

Cooper Battle, Chemistry

Cooper Battle

Cooper Battle’s research interests include the intersection of chemistry and biology, as well as the integration of teaching and research. He earned a B.S. from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a Ph.D. at Tulane University in New Orleans. His research centers on building fluorescent sensors to better understand the role of micro-RNA in the early progression of cancer.

Battle is looking forward to exploring sensor design and translating chemistry into living cells with students this fall.

Bill Forster, Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Bill Forster

William “Bill” Forster served as a U.S. Air Force officer for 12 years and worked as a financial and project manager in several technology development programs before he arrived at Willamette. He was also an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy and served at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania for nine years. His research interests include entrepreneurial decision-making and business ethics.

Forster is most excited about meeting students and hearing about their experiences in business in the Northwest.


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