

Willamette celebrates Student Scholarship Recognition Day

by Marketing & Communications,

The 18th annual event highlighted student achievements across disciplines.

  • A student presents a poster at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • Two students hold music and sing at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A crowd gathers around poster presentations at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student speaks at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student stands at the front of a classroom speaking to people seated at desks
  • A student presents a poster at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student presents a choir of singers at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • Two people discuss research at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • a choir of students sing at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student presents a poster at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student stands before a computer presenting at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student at a podium presents research at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A student standing before a screen presents research at Student Scholarship Recognition Day.
  • A quartet of students sing.

From deep ocean microbes to pulsating stars, from virtual reality to poetry — this year’s Student Scholarship Recognition Day (SSRD) highlighted the ambitious range of Willamette students’ intellectual, creative and academic pursuits.

On April 18, the 18th annual SSRD celebrated the work of some 300 students from a wide variety of disciplines. As usual, the College of Liberal Arts canceled classes for the day and invited the campus community to appreciate the work that students completed either independently or in collaboration with faculty.

In buildings across campus, students presented posters, discussed research, gave musical and theatrical presentations, read poetry and displayed works of art. The works, which originated in classes, during summer projects or as senior capstone research, were supported by Willamette initiatives such as the Science Collaborative Research Program, the Liberal Arts Research Collaborative, the College Colloquium Research Grant, the Learning by Creating Grant, the Carson Grant and the Presidential Scholarship.

To cap off the day, President Steve Thorsett joined faculty and administrators in Cone Field House to see members of the class of 2020 celebrate the halfway point of their college careers and declare their majors.


University Communications

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