

More than 140 undergraduates honored

by Marketing & Communications,

The ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí College of Liberal Arts honored students’ academic achievements April 23 in Cat Cavern.

  • Student stands smiling in Cat Cavern after receiving an award

2018 academic honors and awards

  • Alicia Nichols — American Ethnic Studies Nacho, Cordova Ethnic Studies Award for Social Justice Contributions
  • Ivy Major-McDowall — American Ethnic Studies, Award for Excellence in Ethnic Studies
  • Maribel Carrazco Padilla — American Ethnic Studies, Nacho Cordova Ethnic Studies Award for Social Justice Contributions
  • Salome Paul — American Ethnic Studies, Award for Excellence in Ethnic Studies
  • Julia Di Simone — Anthropology, Franz Boas Award for Outstanding Senior in Anthropology
  • Laura Polkinghorn — Anthropology, Margaret Mead Award for the Outstanding Junior in Anthropology
  • Anastasiya Nykaza — Art, Joy Lorraine Hayhurst Award
  • Breanna Doss — Art, Hallie Ford Art Scholarship
  • Maria Saldana — Art, Hallie Ford Art Scholarship
  • Thea Phillips — Art, Esther Wright Huffman Art Scholarship
  • Clarice Benz — Art History, Hallie Ford Art Scholarship
  • Devne't DeGrandmont — Art History, Roger P. Hull Art Museum Award
  • Meghana Chary — Art History, Hallie Ford Art Scholarship
  • Olivia Barry — Art History, Esther Wright Huffman Art Scholarship
  • Sarah Crabb — Art History, Joy Lorraine Hayhurst Award
  • Chi Phan — Biology, Cecil R. Monk Memorial Scholarship
  • Claire Jorgensen — Biology, Donald Breakey Biology Scholarship
  • Jamie Smith — Biology, Philip C. Armstrong Scholarship
  • Karen Espinoza — Biology, Martha Springer Biology Scholarship
  • Katie Luis — Biology, Martha Springer Biology Scholarship
  • Laura Polkinghorn — Biology, Martha Springer Biology Scholarship
  • Marinda Stanton — Biology, Morton E. and Jessie G. Peck Scholarship
  • McKenna Smith — Biology, Morton E. and Jessie G. Peck Scholarship
  • Sydney Wilson — Biology, Martha Springer Biology Scholarship
  • Tara Giscombe — Biology, Martha Springer Biology Scholarship
  • Isabel Solano — Chemistry, Arthur Payton Scholarship
  • Isabelle Lilly — Chemistry, Peterson Family Scholarship
  • Keeton Nance — Chemistry, Nancy K. Detering Waechter Scholarship
  • MacKayla Carolan — Chemistry, Florian Von Eschen Scholarship
  • Manuel Marcos Guiterrez — Chemistry, Florian Von Eschen Scholarship
  • Morgan Penning — Chemistry, Paul M. Duell Memorial Scholarship
  • Rachel Washington — Chemistry, Frances Chappel Scholarship
  • Reagan Dreiling — Chemistry, Norman Hudak Chemistry Scholarship
  • Tiffany Nakama-Fukuhara — Chemistry, Paul M. Duell Memorial Scholarship
  • Brelynn Hess — Civic Communication and Media, Shannon P. Houge
  • Claire Pockell-Wilson — Civic Communication and Media, Shannon P. Houge
  • Emily Wood — Civic Communication and Media, Nacho Cordova Legacy Award
  • Emma (Sky) Blaw — Civic Communication and Media, Shannon P. Houge
  • Ethan Chan — Civic Communication and Media, Shannon P. Houge
  • Nicole Kates — Civic Communication and Media, Shannon P. Houge
  • Teneah Rushen — Civic Communication and Media, Nacho Cordova Legacy Award
  • Yasmine Robles — Civic Communication and Media, Shannon P. Houge
  • Zachery Luis — Classified Employees, Classified Employee Scholarship
  • Rachel Dell — Comparative Literature and History of Ideas, Mae Anderson Oliver
  • Daniel Koenig — Computer Science, Kenneth Batchelder Memorial Computer Science Scholarship
  • Dylan Miyashiro — Computer Science, Kenneth Batchelder Memorial Computer Science Scholarship
  • Emilia Cubelos — Debate Union, Paul H. Doney Prize & Rex A. Turner Prize
  • Emily Wood — Debate Union, Paul H. Doney Prize
  • Kricia Ruano Espinoza — Debate Union, Logan Will Prize
  • Neha Malik — Debate Union, Rex A. Turner Prize
  • Alexander Efland — Economics, Richard M. Gillis Scholarship
  • Allison Kerkhoff — Economics, Mortensen Scholarship
  • Anya Clowers — Economics, Richard M. Gillis Senior Award in Economics
  • Aubrey Kraabel — Economics, Theodore E. D. Shay Scholarship
  • Avery Bento — Economics, Oliver C. Brown Scholarship
  • Christopher Ishihara — Economics, Charles D. Allis Scholarship
  • Colin Hakeman — Economics, Oliver C. Brown Scholarship
  • Kaitlyn Wiggins — Economics, Richard M. Gillis Scholarship
  • Kelcie Urstad — Economics, Charles D. Allis Scholarship
  • Lyndsey Shimazu — Economics, Bergmann Scholarship
  • Maximilian Kroner Dale — Economics, Richard M. Gillis Senior Award in Economics
  • Meredith Marshburn — Economics, Richard M. Gillis Senior Award in Economics
  • Quinlyn Manfull — Economics, John D. Gray Scholarship
  • Alexa Anderson — English, Wendell Keck Scholarship
  • Emily Sperber — English, Frank H. Newell Creative Writing Prize & Hallie Brown Ford Award in Creative Writing
  • Emma Donoho — English, Frank H. Newell Creative Writing Prize
  • Gianni Marabella — English, Wendell Keck Scholarship
  • Holly Walsh — English, John Dryden Award
  • Jay Hadfield — English, Frank H. Newell Creative Writing Prize
  • Johanna Lyon — English, Mae Anderson Oliver
  • Julia Oshiki — English, Hallie Brown Ford Award in Creative Writing
  • Luke Moy — English, John Dryden Award
  • Maggie Clarendon — English, Mollie Mack Prize
  • Molly Jones — English, Mollie Mack Prize
  • Shelby Weisburg — English, Frank H. Newell Creative Writing Prize
  • Ellis Cobb — Environmental Science, Heather Dempsey Environmental Science Scholarship
  • Henry Csaposs — Environmental Science, Heather Dempsey Environmental Science Scholarship
  • Kathryn Matthews — Environmental Science, Heather Dempsey Environmental Science Scholarship
  • Olivia Orosco — Environmental Science, Academic Excellence in Environmental Science
  • Rachel Fischer — Environmental Science, Heather Dempsey Environmental Science Scholarship
  • Rylie Lang — Environmental Science, Academic Excellence in Environmental Science
  • Shannon Lee — Environmental Science, Academic Excellence in Environmental Science
  • Andrew Swanner — Exercise Science, Human Anatomy Peer-Tutor Award
  • Kara Phillips — Exercise Science, Exercise Science Impact Award
  • Tynan Gable — Exercise Science, Raymond F. Kenitzer, Sr. Exercise Science Scholar Award
  • Eli Kerry — Film Studies, Ken Nolley Award
  • Natasha Zedan — Film Studies, Ken Nolley Award
  • Gianina Lyons — Foreign Language, Chinese, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Chinese
  • Sophie Kelley — Foreign Language, Chinese, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Chinese
  • Moira Eaton — Foreign Language, German, Leta Hale Roehl Scholarship
  • Jack Glenn — Foreign Language, Japanese, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Japanese
  • Kazutoshi Koba — Foreign Language, Japanese, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Japanese
  • Kathryn McConaughy — Foreign Language, Russian, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Russian
  • Ariel Rabkin-Meyer — Foreign Language, Spanish, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Spanish
  • Francesca Florindez — Foreign Language, Spanish, Helen Yeomans Luther Scholarship-Spanish
  • Clara Sims — History, Ruth Buche Allen Scholarship
  • Henry Csaposs — History, Ruth Buche Allen Scholarship
  • Lincoln Brennan — History, Dr. Ivan Lovell History Scholarship
  • Ilan Avineri — History, Dr. Ivan Lovell History Scholarship
  • Eréndira Oropeza Olvera — Latin American Studies, Latin American Studies Honors
  • Alison Najmy — Mathematics, Chester F. Luther Mathematics Award for Graduating Seniors
  • David Spice — Mathematics, Chester F. Luther Mathematics Scholarship
  • Elizabeth Silva Mendez — Mathematics, R. Samuel Hall Scholarship
  • Kyle Salois — Mathematics, Jory-Hafferkamp Prize in Mathematics
  • Leo Goldstein — Mathematics, Chester F. Luther Mathematics Award for Graduating Seniors
  • Lucas Perryman-Deskins — Mathematics, Chester F. Luther Mathematics Scholarship
  • Owen Davis — Mathematics, Jory-Hafferkamp Prize in Mathematics
  • Zechariah Hazel — Mathematics, Jory-Hafferkamp Prize in Mathematics
  • Ayana Bradley — Music, Joyce Horn and Elda Branson Music Scholarship
  • Henry Coba — Music, Florence Lee Godfrey Scholarship & Ruth Bedford Scholarship
  • Kathryn Bordona — Music, Ruth Bedford Scholarship
  • Kyle Ward — Music, Wallace H. Long Jr. Scholarship Fund
  • Kyler Southcott — Music, Ruth Bedford Scholarship
  • Marissa Fink — Music, Joyce Horn and Elda Branson Music Scholarship, Ruth Bedford Scholarship
  • Maura Tomassetti — Music, Violet Burlingham Mu Phi Epsilon Scholarship
  • Michael Chergosky — Music, Robert Hess Award
  • Nicholas Burton — Music, Florence Lee Godfrey Scholarship
  • Olga Melendez Valdes — Music, Florence Lee Godfrey Scholarship
  • Olivia Fields — Music, Dorothy Ann Perkins Memorial Prize, Ruth Bedford Scholarship
  • Zachary Duell — Music, Cora G. and Frederick L. Rose Award
  • Cassie Logan — Physics, Robert L. Purbrick Scholarship
  • Juan Marquez — Physics, Robert L. Purbrick Scholarship
  • Adrian Uphoff — Politics, Mark O. Hatfield Scholarship
  • Ari Hoffman — Politics, Karen Wyckoff Award
  • Derek Kennedy — Politics, Karen Wyckoff Award
  • Jared Tupuola — Politics, Karen Wyckoff Award
  • Katherine Moore — Politics, Karen Wyckoff Award
  • Quinlyn Manfull — Politics, Edmund Arthur and Helen Cavitt Smith Scholarship
  • Rosalind Fraser — Politics, Edmund Arthur and Helen Cavitt Smith Scholarship
  • Erin Bresnahan — Psychology, Noel F. Kaestner Scholarship
  • Kendra Good — Psychology, Noel F. Kaestner Scholarship
  • Roulin Gou — Psychology, Paul M. Evans Award
  • Samantha Gottuso — Psychology, Paul M. Evans Award
  • Clara Sims — Religious Studies, Dr. Norman A. Huffman Religious Studies Scholarship
  • Jacob Henderson — Religious Studies, Hines-Burgoon
  • William Gupton — Religious Studies, Dr. Norman A. Huffman Religious Studies Scholarship
  • Channelle Crittenden — Sociology, Sociology Award for Outstanding Social Justice Contributions
  • Emily Manset — Sociology, C. Wright Mills Award for Outstanding Achievements for a Senior in Sociology
  • Malea Kirkland — Sociology, James B. Bjorkquist Award for Outstanding Achievements for a Junior in Sociology
  • Rebeca Lopez-Figueroa — Sociology, Sociology Award for Outstanding Social Justice Contributions
  • Victoria Mohtes-Chan — Sociology, C. Wright Mills Award for Outstanding Achievements for a Senior in Sociology
  • Yasmine Robles — Sociology, James B. Bjorkquist Award for Outstanding Achievements for a Junior in Sociology
  • Annie Jolliff — Webber-Biology, William B. Webber Scholarship-Biology
  • Anna Ayala — Webber-Chemistry, William B. Webber Scholarship-Chemistry
  • Madison Nigro — Webber-Environmental Science, William B. Webber Scholarship-Natural Science
  • Reagan Dreiling — Webber-Physics, William B. Webber Scholarship-Physics
  • Heather Pearson — Women's and Gender Studies, Suresht Bald Award for Excellence in Women's and Gender Studies
  • Luke Moy — Women's and Gender Studies, Suresht Bald Award for Excellence in Women's and Gender Studies

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