

Grace Goudy Distinguished Artist Series: Jane Austen鈥檚 Songbook

by University communications,

Piano, vocal performance highlights 19th century songs.

  • distinguished artist series poster jane austen with earbuds

If Jane Austen had an iPod, what would be on her playlist?

Find out Oct. 18 at Willamette’s Hudson Hall during “Jane Austen’s Songbook,” a piano and vocal performance that opens the 2017-18 Grace Goudy Distinguished Artist Series (DAS) and runs during the 200th anniversary of Austen’s death. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.

Soprano Julianne Baird and fortepianist Marcia Hadjimarkos will perform music that reflects Austen’s special tastes, dislikes and boisterous sense of humor — think of it as a “mixtape” of one of the most remarkable figures in the history of literature. Although the idea of a mixtape in Austen’s time sounds surprising, 19th century young adults shared lists of favorite music or books just as we do today.

Each year, DAS brings world-renowned musicians to Salem to hold performances and residency activities for students. Hadjimarkos will play the fortepiano, one of the earliest pianos constructed that introduced audiences to the instrument’s dynamic range of sound and subtlety of response. Baird, who is making her fourth appearance at Willamette, will also meet with students for a master class for voice at 2 p.m. on Oct. 17 at Hudson Hall. The class is free to the public.

Season ticket (two concerts) $40; adults $23; Willamette faculty/staff $18; students with ID $5; students without ID/children $8; Willamette Institute for Continued Learning students $12; Oregon Trail card $5 (at box office only the night of the performance.) Purchase tickets online. 

Soprano Julianne Baird

Soprano Julianne Baird

fortepianist Marcia Hadjimarkos

Fortepianist Marcia Hadjimarkos


University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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