

Renovation updates Lee, York houses with more contemporary design

by University Communications,

Student Center for Equity and Empowerment, Career Development, chaplains and more offices moved over the summer.

  • Courtyard
  • Commons
  • Kitchen
  • Kitchen

Lee and York residence halls are glowing after a summer renovation.

While both buildings received several updates, one of the biggest changes is the addition of a new hallway that connects Lee and York for the first time. Lined with windows, the hallway adds more light to the living spaces and a view of the new courtyard with outdoor seating. Garden boxes for students will also be available.

Both buildings have remodeled bedrooms, card-access bike storage and they share “the phone box,” a small room where students can plug in laptops or play video games. The university’s Print and Design Center, which moved to the University Services Building earlier in the summer, has been replaced with a common space area for students, complete with a new kitchen and lounge area.

The university also built two additional bedrooms for a total of 49 units in the complex. Access to the buildings is easier, too — there’s a new sidewalk along Brown Field and an exit at the courtyard.

The remodeling project included the relocation of the Student Center for Equity and Empowerment program — which was formerly in the Art Building — to York House across from Goudy Commons. The Office of Multicultural Affairs and its director, Gordy Toyama, will also be located in York.

Renovations weren’t the only changes at Willamette this summer. These staff and programs also moved to new locations:

  • University chaplains have moved to the University Center (UC) second floor.
  • Career Development is located on UC third floor.
  • Housing and Community Life relocated to Matthews Hall.
  • Carli Rohner, advocacy and prevention coordinator, has moved to Bishop Wellness Center to offer students in need of advocacy a more confidential space.
  • Jade Aguilar, vice president for equity, diversity and inclusion, is located on UC third floor.

University Communications

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