

Willamette Law celebrates Associate Dean Santos

by University Communications,

  • Danny Santos
  • Danny Santos
  • Danny Santos
  • Danny Santos

A crowd of students, alumni, colleagues and longtime friends packed Rick’s Cafe on the lower level of the College of Law on Friday afternoon to honor Danny Santos JD’86, associate dean for student affairs and administration, who will retire next month.

After opening remarks from President Steve Thorsett and Dean Curtis Bridgeman, representatives from various groups — including community members, alumni, classmates and students — shared their own stories and offered a few words of advice for Santos.

Bridgeman shared his appreciation of Santos’ work at the law school and praised the legacy he’s created, adding that Santos will be greatly missed by his colleagues.

“I don’t know what I’ll do when I don’t have the opportunity to walk into Danny’s office and ask him a question,” said Bridgeman. “Fortunately, he’s agreed to stay on and complete a number of important projects for both the College of Law and Willamette.”

Sid Hariharan JD’17 offered a few thoughts about Santos from a student’s perspective, ending his remarks by reading a quote from a fellow student. 

Never was there a mentor, advisor, gentleman, scholar, attorney, ally [and] friend, like Dean Santos,” Hariharan read. “He is a true champion for diversity and inclusion in the legal field and the community alike.”

In lieu of gifts, Santos has asked that community members (select “Daniel P. Santos Law Scholarship" from the "designation" drop down menu).


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