

杏十八新茶分享 launches renewed website this summer

by Marketing & Communications,

In early spring 2014, the university embarked on an important institutional priority — renewing Willamette’s website to better tell our story to our many audiences. The website is the hub of news, information and events for our community — and our new site incorporates a stronger institutional identity, is designed in a responsive manner for mobile optimization and includes new (multimedia) tools for storytelling.

The Website Renewal Committee, comprised of faculty and staff members from departments and programs across campus, has led the process alongside our strategic partner, Barkley REI. The new design and content plan is a result of feedback from our community — including students, alumni, faculty and staff.

We’re pleased to announce that Willamette’s renewed website will launch in early July. You can view samples of the new page designs online.


University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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