

Renewed website set to launch in July

by Marketing & Communications,

Dear Willamette Community,

This update serves as a reminder that the new website will launch between July 8 and 15, with exact timing contingent on the move of nearly 40,000 pages into the new site. You’ll receive a special edition of the Bearcat Bulletin when the exact date and time is set.

Beginning this week, you’ll be unable to access WebEdit for website updates as current content is moved onto the new web server. If you have any urgent updates during the transition, please send them directly to web-applications@willamette.edu

Inevitably, in a project of this scope, some issues with the new site will come to light in the weeks post-launch. We request your patience and understanding as the new site is implemented – and your assistance with fixes and improvements. This includes:

  • Updating your bookmarks for the few URLs that did change during the transition;
  • Sending any broken links, odd characters/spacing, layout issues or image size/loading issues to web-applications@willamette.edu (screen captures, page URLs and descriptions are always appreciated - check out these resources on taking screen captures for , , );
  • Staying on the lookout for any URLs on print materials or electronic communications you may need redirected or linked to different pages;
  • Attending lab sessions and training sessions to learn about the new version of WebEdit and to make updates to your pages (schedule coming soon).

The launch of a new site is the beginning of the process of regularly updating and improving the site. Rolling out all the features of our new website won’t happen all at once — but will be an ongoing process to enhance our content and keep it fresh.

Post-launch, members of the University Communications and Web Development teams will continue their conversations with academic departments, offices and other units across campus to introduce the new features of the website, assist with content organization, answer specific questions and allow all members of our community to take advantage of this powerful new communication tool.

A myriad of individuals and groups from across campus have contributed their time, expertise and insights to the website renewal process. The resulting redesign is fresh, bold and contemporary — and will help us all better tell Willamette’s story to our many audiences.

Thank you in advance for your help in making this important institutional project a reality.


The Website Renewal Committee


University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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