

Amber Williams portraitHometown: Silverton, Oregon  

Undergraduate Studies: B.A., Political Science/Business, Western Oregon University

Position: Surgical Services Business Manager, Salem Health

Why the MBA for Professionals program?

It’s high quality, shows proven advancement, is preferred in my organization, is local, and—most importantly—is an in-person program. A lot is expected from you, but professors also recognize you’re an adult with a full time job and family, so they’re reasonable. They’re passionate about what they teach, and very engaging.

How have you leveraged your MBA in your industry?

Many of the skills I’ve learned in class, I’ve directly applied at work. I see the rewards of this degree every day. I use my MBA skills regularly in working with my staff and analyzing projects. I received a promotion before my first year had completed.

What are the benefits of a cohort model?

My classmates are my friends, and together, we’re like a family. We pick each other up on bad days, make each other laugh to get through the long nights, and even argue from time to time. When we have time off, I miss them. Learning together has been an added bonus.

What has been the most meaningful lesson you’ve learned from your MBA experience?

I can handle more than I thought. Balancing a high-paced job all day, school at night, and family all the times in between, I’ve still succeeded pretty well in all of them.

What advice would you give a fellow professional considering an MBA?

As much as school is about learning the materials, it’s even more about growing as a person, and proving to yourself that you can do it—especially amongst an already full life. You don’t have to get an A in every class, but engage and learn and your education will be a success.


MBA for Professionals

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

Portland Center

721 NW 9th Ave
Portland Oregon 97209 U.S.A.

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