

Volunteer Opportunities

Students at the Willamette MBA program benefit from the guidance and expertise of nearly 200 professional volunteers from 100 companies and organizations. We invite you to participate in supporting the exceptional students who are our future business leaders.


The Willamette MBA mentorship program pairs students with successful professionals in business, government and not-for-profit careers. Mentors take responsibility for encouraging the professional development of students, providing critical perspective and coaching.

Serving as a mentor is a long-range commitment. We look for the following interests and attributes for this valuable volunteer job:

  • Excellent coaching skills.
  • Positive, nurturing leadership.
  • A desire to give back to the community.
  • Retired professionals or managers still active in their careers.
  • Willingness to make a substantial time commitment.
  • Based in the Salem or Portland area.

Willamette MBA students represent a diverse community. Mentees may be in their first or second year of the MBA program and represent all career tracks - early career, career change or career advancement. We also have many International students.

A great deal of effort goes into matching students and mentors, as we consider the personal goals of students and the interests of the mentors. Mentors meet with their students at least once a month, take part in group events and workshops and often include their mentees in professional events and outings which provide them opportunities to grow and network with other professionals.

Mock Interviewers

Students are required to go through a mock recruiting process which includes submitting a resume and cover letter for a sample job, phone screening and full in-person interview. We welcome alumni, professionals and recruiters to volunteer and take part in this process. Recruiters and internship advisers are especially well-suited to this job, and recent alumni bring a fresh perspective to the task. A one-day commitment is all that is required.

Panelist participants

Willamette MBA holds specific industry panels during the academic year, drawing on volunteers to share career advice and connect with students interested in working in a particular field. Panelists discuss the characteristics of their industry and the types of jobs available, providing valuable insight for our MBA candidates. We welcome your participation in a panel specific to your field.

The Satisfaction of Giving Back

If you’re interested in learning more about these or other opportunities to connect with students and help them further their careers, please email mbacareer@willamette.edu


MBA Career Management

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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