


Career Management serves as the primary resource for students (and alumni!) in their job search. Career Management connects students with the larger business community using staff, faculty and alumni to provide the tools to create opportunities for career growth.

The Job Search

The purpose of this page is to provide a checklist of things that need to be done in order to begin a job search. This list is comprehensive but not exclusive so you should add additional activities that fit your needs. Find a downloadable version.

  • Update resume and cover letter
  • Update your LinkedIn profile
  • Upload your current resume to Handshake and sign up for Career Shift
  • Turn on LinkedIn job notifications and the Open Candidate feature
  • Search for jobs on Handshake, mba-exchange.com and transparentcareer.com
  • Search for alumni who work in your area of interest on LinkedIn
  • Attend OPT workshop
  • Submit your OPT application OR let Career Management know what your plans are by February 14
  • Participate in Career Close Up
  •  Sign up for additional career fairs. Events can be sponsored by industries, professional associations, networking/affinity groups, and some larger employers.
  • Review the list of people you’ve already met with and determine who you should reach out to again
  • Develop a list of questions you still need answered to make decisions
  • Develop a list of people/companies you want to meet with
  •  Reach out and ask for a meeting and/or ask Career Management for an introduction
  • Set Up a one on one meeting with Career Management to review any topic related to your job search
  •  Attend the group workshops to problem solve with your peers and hold yourself accountable
  • Update the list of companies you're interested in
  • Submit applications for positions that are open NOW- do not wait until graduation
  • Update your list of networking contacts and determine what information you still need to know about your industry/field
  •  Not sure what you want to do? Meet with Career Management to help with your strategy
  • Review information about the company on sites like Glassdoor
  •  Practice, practice, practice by setting up a mock interview with Career Management or with someone else
  • Schedule a time to meet with Career Management to talk through any possible questions to complete a mock interview
  •  Follow up with a thank you and restate your interest/value
  • Know what you are worth with insights from Glass Door, , and salary.com
  •  Keep in mind the value of intangible benefits such as travel time, work/life balance, culture, etc.
  •  Report your success to Career Management via - your data is confidential and will only be used in aggregate

MBA Career Management

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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