

1. General

a. Name

  1. The Organization will be called Willamette Street Law;
  2. As used in these By-Laws, “Street Law” means Willamette Street Law;
  3. This document will be referred to as the By-Laws.

b. Purpose

  1. To provide a forum for Street Law Members and other volunteers to contribute to community outreach and spread education of the legal system;
  2. To reach and education diverse populations of students about the American legal system;
  3. To maintain an ongoing rapport between 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law and the community.

c. Organization

i. The organization will consist of the following membership classifications:

  1. The Executive Board will consist of all Executive Officers, including:
    (1) Executive Director;
    (2) Executive Assistant;
    (3) Marketing and Membership Coordinator;
    (4) Secretary;
    (5) Fundraising Coordinator;
    (6) Mock Trial Coordinator;
    (7) Mock Trial Assistant;
    (8) Curriculum Coordinator;
    (9) Willamette Academy Liaison.
  2. Members are those persons who participate in Street Law by teaching classes to the community or facilitating Street Law events.

d. Supremacy Clause

  1. These By-Laws will govern the operation of Street Law, and all other rules of regulations contrary to these By-Laws shall be invalid.

2. Definitions

  1. “Quorum” – A Quorum, wherever found in these By-Laws, means a group including the Executive Director or Marketing and Membership Coordinator and any additional Executive Officers sufficient to equal at least two-thirds of the Executive Board.
  2. “Scheduled Meeting” – Scheduled Meeting, wherever found in these By-Laws, means any meeting where notice has been distributed to all relevant Members at least 72 hours prior to commencement.

3. Executive Board

a. Composition

  1. The Executive Board will be comprised of all Executive Officers, which will include the above mentioned positions and any other Executive Officer position created under these By-Laws;
  2. At no time will a Member of Street Law be elected to fill more than one Executive Office.

b. Powers and Duties of the Executive Board:

  1. General
  1. Be responsible for the overall success of all Street Law activities;
  2. Be responsible for the preparation, installment, and execution of community outreach by and through Street Law;
  3. Be responsible for overseeing the work of the Committees and Members;
  4. Make all substantial decisions concerning Street Law matters;
  5. Have the authority to take actions necessary and proper to the effective function of Street Law.

ii. Structure and Organization

  1. In recognition of the heightened need for consistent treatment of major aspects of Street Law’s mission and purpose, the Executive Board will have the power to create by majority vote new Executive Offices to coordinate major projects;
  2. Have the power to promulgate and approve internal membership rules by a three-fourths vote at any Scheduled Meeting with a Quorum present;
  3. Have the power to introduce new, or amend existing, By-Laws by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Officers at any Scheduled Meeting with a Quorum present.

iii. Meetings

  1. Be responsible for establishing a regular schedule of General Membership meetings and Executive Board meetings;
  2. Have the power to set the agenda for Executive Board meetings.

iv. Expenses

  1. Have the sole power to approve all non-budgeted Street Law expenditures greater than or equal to $100. Expenditures of less than $100 may be approved by either the Executive Director or the Fundraising Coordinator;
  2. The Executive Board may ratify the reimbursement of any non-budgeted expenditures.

4. Executive Officers

  1. General       
  1. Individual officers may delegate any power given to them to any other Member of Street Law if notice is given to the Executive Director and documented in the minutes of a meeting.

b. Eligibility

  1. Any current Member of Street Law not graduating or leaving the school is eligible to hold an Executive Office.

c. Executive Director will:

  1. Be ultimately responsible for supervising Street Law activities and community outreach;
  2. Work with the Marketing and Membership Coordinator to oversee the day-to-day functions of Street Law;
  3. Render final decision on issues regarding content, meetings, and fundraising not already subject to a vote under these By-Laws;
  4. Communicate with all other Executive Officers regarding projects, roles, and needs;
  5. Have “lawstu” access to send necessary emails to the student body; 
  6. Have the power to approve non-budgeted expenditures of under $100;
  7. Manage all administrative functions of Street Law, including:
  1. Presiding over all meetings;
  2. Working with the Secretary and Fundraising Coordinator to manage the budget;
  3. Facilitate communications with the partnering education program;

viii. Ensure that all Street Law Members perform their duties.

d. Executive Assistant will:

  1. Assist the Executive Director with administrative decisions and tasks;
  2. Undertake training from Executive Director to enable annual transitions of Executive Officers to run smoothly;
  3. Maintain the Street Law email list and update it as needed;
  4. Preside over Board Meetings when the Executive Director is absent;
  5. Create and maintain a guide/manual with contact information of all teachers, partners, and necessary contacts for the incoming board
  6. Be a current first or second year student.

e. Marketing and Membership Coordinator will:

  1. Assist the Executive Director and Curriculum Coordinator in conducting teacher training sessions for student volunteers;
  2. Be responsible for scheduling student, WUCL faculty, and attorney volunteers to teach Street Law classes for each scheduled class day;
  3. Be the contact for scheduling and notifying substitute teachers;
  4. Be responsible for maintaining a list of participants who appear at each Street Law event;
  5. Be in charge of making sure that the students attending 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law are aware of Street Law and what it entails;
  6. Take recordings and/or photographs of Street Law events for marketing and media purposes to ensure student exposure;
  7. Maintain and update Street Law Website, Facebook Page, and other social media.

f. Secretary will:

  1. Be responsible for scheduling all meetings and preparing meeting agendas;
  2. Be responsible for scheduling rooms in advance for events;
  3. Take minutes at all meetings and disseminate notes as needed;
  4. Maintain accurate and complete administrative files;
  5. Assist Fundraising Coordinator in managing budget and presenting budget requests to SBA;
  6. Have "lawstu" access in case Executive Director is unavailable to send emails to student body;
  7. Be responsible for ordering food and refreshments for meetings and events.

g. Fundraising Coordinator will:

  1. Be responsible for coordinating fundraising and/or solicitation efforts by Street Law;
  2. Be responsible securing any grants or other available outside funding;
  3. Work with Secretary to present SBA budgets and budget proposals;
  4. Keep an up to date record of budget and spending that is clearly recorded from year to year;
  5. Have power to approve non-budgeted expenditures under $100.

h. Curriculum Coordinator will:

  1. Create and/or maintain lesson plans for teachers pursuant to the lesson schedule provided by the partnering education program;
  2. Coordinate with the partnering education program to prepare lessons best suited to the class’s needs;
  3. Work with the Marketing and Membership Coordinator to provide relevant trainings and materials to teachers prior to scheduled teaching engagements;
  4. Ensure that there are backup activities or videos available in the event that an instructor is unable to make a scheduled class session;
  5. Ensure that all curriculum is appropriate and accurate.

i. Mock Trial Coordinator will:

  1. Be responsible for the creation or procurement of a fact pattern to be used as the basis for a mock trial;
  2. Create and distribute Mock Trial materials;
  3. Work with the Marketing and Membership Coordinator to coordinate with the relevant faculty members of the partner school to schedule and run the mock trial;
  4. Be responsible for obtaining any necessary props, which will be paid for out of the budget;
  5. Train Mock Trial Assistant on planning Mock Trial.

j. Mock Trial Assistant will:

  1. Keep detailed guides on planning Mock Trial for future Executive Boards;
  2. Assist Mock Trial Coordinator on all Mock Trial-related tasks.

k. Willamette Academy Coordinator will:

  1. Connect with relevant contacts at Willamette Academy to plan events and dates of lessons;
  2. Plan lessons for Saturday Sessions chosen by Executive Board;
  3. Communicate with WUCL Professors and students to assist in teaching 3-hour lessons;
  4. Keep detailed records of lesson plans to pass to the incoming board.

5. Committees

  1. The Executive Board may create committees for any reason it deems necessary.
  2. An Executive Board Member must be the chairperson for any committee.

6. Members

a. Eligibility

  1. Membership in Street Law will be open to all interested students attending 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law;
  2. Membership in Street Law may be granted to an interested student attending 杏十八新茶分享 College of Arts & Sciences upon approval of the Executive Board;
  3. No fee will be charged for membership in Street Law;
  4. Street Law will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, political affiliation, religion, or sexual orientation.

b. Membership duties

i. To retain Membership status, each Member of Street Law will be required to perform at least one of the following within the course of a given academic year:

  1. Teach at least one session of curriculum during the instruction season;
  2. Volunteer for at least one Street Law event;
  3. Serve on a committee; or
  4. Serve as an Executive Officer.

ii. Each member will accomplish their assigned duties and responsibilities on time.
iii. Each member will promptly attend all Scheduled Meetings of the general membership.

c. Termination of Membership

  1. Students who meet the eligibility and membership requirements of Street Law will continue to be Members until and unless the student:
  1. Withdraws from 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law;
  2. Withdraws from Street Law;
  3. Is removed from Street Law pursuant to these By-Laws.

7. Elections

  1. The Executive Director will schedule the elections and/or appointments of new Executive Officers. Returning board members or Street Law members should be encouraged to fill the positions of Executive Director and Mock Trial Coordinator.  Incoming first-year students should be encouraged to fill the positions of Executive Assistant and Mock Trial Assistant.
  2. Nominations will be made openly during the meeting called for election.  AN informal interview should follow, with a majority of the Executive Board present to question and hear from candidates.  Voting will be done over email or other electronic medium in order to ensure that all active Members are given a chance to vote.  Alternatively, the Executive Board shall appoint candidates to positions upon a majority internal vote.
  3. Taking office:
    1. The newly elected Executive Officers will take office immediately.
    2. After newly elected Executive Officers take office, any former Officers nor re-elected will either resign or retain status as a Member.
  4. In the event of vacancies outside of the regular elections, an appointment process will be used by the Executive Board to fill the positions. After a reasonable time for nominations or applications for vacant positions, the position will be appointed upon a majority vote of the existing Executive Board.

8. Grievances

  1. Any Member may address a grievance by bringing the issue to the Executive Board through an email or during a Scheduled Meeting. The Executive Board will take reasonable means to address the grievance with any involved Members. If necessary, the Executive Board may also ask the Faculty Advisor to facilitate a resolution.

9. Board Transition

  1. Once elected, Board Members will have the responsibility to prepare guiding documents of their position for future Board Members, to be kept electronically and in the Street Law locker.
  2. To the extent possible, when a Board Member's term expires, he/she has a responsibility to work with the newly elected Board Member to share the skills needed to take over the position.

Street Law

杏十八新茶分享 College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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