

OUTLaws provides a forum for discussing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender legal issues and provides a safe place to socialize, support one another and work together for success. Everyone associated with 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law is invited to participate in OUTLaws. However, participants are expected to respect the basic tenets of the organization which is that all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people should receive the same basic rights accorded heterosexuals and that all people should be judged by their individual character, not their sexual orientation.

Contact OUTLaws at wu-outlaw@willamette.edu

Chapter Leadership

President Spencer Wollan
Vice President Annie Cantera-Snow
Social Media Liason TBD TBD
Treasurer Melanie Rivas Email Melanie
Secretary Katheryn Sanders
OGALLA Representative TBD TBD
Student Organization Rep TBD TBD
3L Class Representative TBD TBD
2L Class Representative TBD TBD
1L Class Representative TBD TBD
Faculty ADvisor Professor Andrew Gilden Email Prof. Gilden


245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 370-6380

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