

Family Law & Child Advocacy Association

The Family Law and Child Advocacy Association (FLCAA) is open to anyone with an interest in the law as it relates to children and families. Involvement in this student organization will expose you to other students interested in this area and help you connect with professionals to gain opportunities and learn more. As a member, you will be able to attend meetings to learn about events and provide input and ideas about future events. You will also get to participate in various educational events and volunteer opportunities that will expose you to the world of family law and child advocacy and prepare you for your future career. FCLAA is also a great way to get involved at Willamette and connect with your peers!

Mission Statement 

FLCAA's goal is to educate students about family and child law issues, including intersections of race, gender, child maltreatment and abuse, and juvenile justice. In addition, the association is a resource for students looking for more information about careers related to child law, international child welfare, education law/policy, and advocacy. 


Network and communicate with lawyers, advocates, and other child advocacy and family law professionals. This involves hosting workshops, seminars, discussions, and panels about child advocacy and sponsoring service events that support children and families. 

Chapter Leadership

President Madison King
Vice President Carly Dedrick
Treasurer Hannah Corpe
Marketing Coordinator Francesca Muchow
Secretary Gabrielle Bugnon

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