

Irene Vazquez

Oregon Supreme Court (1 summary)

State v. Stewart

To prove that a delivery "is for consideration" under ORS 475.900(2)(a), the State is required to offer evidence that a defendant either entered into an agreement to sell or completed a sale of the specified drug. Evidence that a defendant possessed the drug with intent to sell them is insufficient.

Area(s) of Law:
  • Criminal Law

Oregon Court of Appeals (1 summary)

State v. Davis

A former judgment may be set aside and a new trial granted in an action where there has been a trial by jury on the motion of the party aggrieved for any of the following causes materially affecting the substantial rights of such party: (1) irregularity in the proceedings of the court, jury, or adverse party, or any other of the court, or abuse of discretion, by which such party was prevented from having a fair trial; (2) misconduct of the jury of prevailing party; and (4) newly discovered evidence, material for the party making the application, which such party could not with reasonable diligence have discovered and produced at trial. ORCP 64 B(1), B(2), and B(4).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Criminal Procedure

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