

Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals

Opinions Filed in August 2022

East Park, LLC v. City of Salem

1. Local criteria utilizing subjective and value-laden judgments do not satisfy the requirement of clear and objective procedures under ORS 197.307(4). 2. Even if an alternative approval process is available under ORS 197.307(6), it may not be utilized in a local government decision unless the applicant has an option to pursue their application under ORS 197.307(4) with clear and objective criteria.

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

Nelson v. City of Hillsboro

Under ORS 174.010, errors in figures used for city planning are not within LUBA鈥檚 authority to correct. An assignment of error that collaterally attacks a city ordinance implicated in the decision on appeal provides no basis for LUBA to reverse or remand. Turner v. Jackson County, 62 Or. LUBA 199, 201 (2010), aff鈥檇, 249 P.3d 564 (2011); Butte Conservancy v. City of Gresham, 47 Or. LUBA 282, 296, aff鈥檇, 100 P.3d 218 (2004).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

Briggs et al v. Lincoln County

ORS 215.130(5) provides: "The lawful use of any building, structure or land at the time of the enactment or amendment of any zoning ordinance or regulation may be continued,鈥 and 鈥淸a] change of ownership or occupancy shall be permitted." 鈥淸W]hen a local enactment is found incompatible with state law in an area of substantive policy, the state law will displace the local rule.鈥 La Grande/Astoria v. PERB, 576 P2d 1204, aff鈥檇 on reh鈥檊, 586 P2d 765 (1978).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

Landwatch Lane Cnty. v. Lane Cnty.

ORS 215.780 鈥渁uthorizes [a] county to allow the partition of a property to create a five acre parcel to house a qualified dwelling and that both of the resulting parcels may be less than 80 acres, so long as the parcel without the dwelling is constrained in its ability to house a dwelling in the future.鈥 Russell v. Lane County, _ Or LUBA _ (LUBA No 2020-072, Jan 8, 12 2021).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

Monroe v. City of Corvallis

Under ORS 197.015(10)(b)(H),鈥渁 proposed state agency action . . . is compatible with the acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations implementing the plan,鈥 and excluded from LUBA鈥檚 jurisdiction, 鈥渋f: (i) [t]he local government has already made a land use decision authorizing a use or activity that encompasses the proposed state agency action; . . . or (iii) [t]he use or activity that would be authorized . . . by the proposed state agency action requires a future land use review under the acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations implementing the plan[.]鈥

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

Phillips v. City of Corvallis

Under ORS 197.825(2)(a), LUBA鈥檚 jurisdiction is limited to 鈥渢hose cases in which petitioner has exhausted all remedies available by right before petitioning the board for review[.]鈥 However, under ORS 197.830(3), 鈥淸i]f a local government makes a land use decision without providing a hearing . . . a person adversely affected by the decision may appeal the decision to the board[.]鈥 These appeals are not subject to the exhaustion requirement under ORS 197.825(2)(a) unless the local government voluntarily grants a local appeal, then the local remedy must be exhausted before appealing to LUBA. Comrie v. City of Pendleton, 45 Or. LUBA 758, 772 (2003).

Area(s) of Law:
  • Land Use

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