

Thank you for your interest in publishing with the Willamette Journal of Social Justice and Equity (SJE). We invite the submission of unsolicited manuscripts that deal with legal issues regarding race, gender, and sexuality, both nationally and in the Pacific Northwest. Well-written and carefully-edited articles on legal contemporary issues are preferred, but historical approaches will also be considered. Articles may be submitted via email or as printed manuscripts. Upon acceptance for publication, electronic versions of printed manuscripts will be required.

All submissions should be formatted in conformance with The Bluebook: A Uniform Style of Citation. Please send your electronic submissions in a Microsoft Word (.doc) format to the editor-in-chief at: sje-law-submissions@willamette.edu.

Printed submissions should be addressed to:

Article Editors, Willamette Journal of Social Justice and Equity
杏十八新茶分享 College of Law
245 Winter Street SE, Salem, OR 97301

Student Submissions

Student submissions will only be accepted from students attending 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law.

Review Process

A team of article editors carefully and diligently review all submissions to the Willamette Journal of Social Justice and Equity. Articles are selected based on a variety of factors, including contemporary relevancy, novelty, and quality of writing and editing. Our goal is to critically review all submissions within two weeks of the date received.

Offer of Publication

Authors of accepted articles will be notified as soon as possible. Once accepted, the article is placed in our publication schedule. In the notification, we will provide the author with a prospective date of publication.

Editing Process

Once an article is accepted for publication, the article is assigned to a designated team of editors, including an executive editor and a notes and comments editor, as well as a number of staff editors. The executive editor will serve as the primary contact person for the author and will see the article through all stages of the editing process. The Willamette Journal of Social Justice and Equity employs a team-editing approach, which we believe provides a more thorough and detailed edit of the article.

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