

Willamette Law Review offers a limited amount of its previous publications on this webpage. If you would like a specific article that is not listed below, please contact at

(800) 828-7571 or order@wshein.com.


Number 2 (Spring 2022) 

  • Washington’s Flawed ABC Rule (by Benjamin Gould)
  • What Did Those Sixteen Justices Say? (by Leslie C. Griffin)
  • Toward a Marxian Economic Analysis of Law (by Murray Cohen)
  • Hertz’s Master Lease: A Single Bundle or a Million Leases? (by Christopher Ishihara)

Number 1 (Fall 2021)

  • Oregon’s Resource Protection Conundrum (by Edward J. Sullivan & Caleb J. N. Huegel)
  • The Unconscionability Doctrine Versus the Gross Disparity Doctrine (by David Francisco Delgado Del Hierro)


Number 3 (Summer 2021) 

  • Affordable Housing and the Mount Laurel Doctrine: Lessons Learned (by Peter Buchsbaum)
  • Exclusionary Zoning Reform: How Oregon Translated Policy into Reality (by Robert Liberty)
  • “I Would, If Only I Could”—How California Cities Can Use State Law to Overcome Neighborhood Resistance to New Housing (by Christopher S. Elmendorf, Eric Biber, Paavo Monkkonen, & Moira O’Neill)

Number 2 (Spring 2021)

  • Remedying Batson’s Failure to Address Unconscious Juror Bias in Oregon (by 杏十八新茶分享 College of Law Racial Justice Task Force)
  • The Oregon Constitution Article I, Section 10 Open Court Clause and Child Dependency Proceedings: Judicial and Legislative Authority to Protect Child Victims by Closing Shelter Care Hearings (by William Wesley Patton) 

Number 1 (Fall 2020) 

  • The Legal Industry’s Second Chance to Get it Right (by Nancy B. Rapoport & Joseph R. Tiano, Jr.)
  • Oregon’s Pioneering State Law to Allow Access to Psilocybin, A New Palliative Care Tool for Patients Suffering Anxiety and Depression (by Kathryn L. Tucker) 
  • Exploring the Role of Victims in Federal Environmental Crime Prosecutions, 1983-2019 (by Joshua Ozymy & Melissa L. Jarrell) 
  • Designing People: A Bioethical Analysis of the Laws and Regulations Regarding the Genetic Manipulation of Human Fetuses (by Nathaniel Woodward)


Number 3 (Summer 2020) 

  • Looking Back: A Case Study of Career Interest and Experiential Learning in Law School (by David I. C. Thompson & Stephen Daniels) 
  • The Complexity Dilemma: A Reflection on Teaching a Simulation Course in Business Planning (by Franklin A. Gevurtz) 
  • Using Context to Teach Business Law: The Case for Sports Law and Other Practice-Area Subjects (by Robert C. Illig) 
  • Deals (by Victor Goldberg) 
  • Corporations Hybrid: A COVID Case Study on Innovation in Business Law Pedagogy (by Seth C. Oranburg & David D. Tamasy) 
  • Working with Corporate Culture: Best Practices for Attorneys in Business (by Sukhsimranjit Singh) 
  • The Recurrent Current Crisis in Legal Education (by Justin Simard) 
  • “Building the Case” for the Business Lawyer of Tomorrow: Pulling Impact into Practice (by Deborah Burand) 

Number 2 (Spring 2020) 

  • “First-Things-First” and Oregon State Constitutional Analysis (by Hon. Jack L. Landau) 
  • Shocking the Conscience: Whether the Right to Bear Arms Overrides the Due Process Right to Life (by Philip Schuster & David Park) 
  • Fundamental Illegitimacy (by Carter Dillard)
  • Lessons Learned from Working at the Oregon Court of Appeals (by Jas Jeffrey Adams) 
  • Matthew Deady in the Oregon Courts (by Hon. Thomas A. Balmer) 

Number 1 (Fall 2019) 

Sentenced to Death for Life: Essays on Oregon’s Death Penalty (by Hon. Paul J. De Muniz)

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