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Susan Smith

Professor of Law; Director of the Certificate Program in Sustainability

Headshot of Susan Smith

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Collins Legal Center 428
245 Winter Street SE
Salem  Oregon  97301

Publications: Books and Book Chapters

  • The Intellectual and Historical Framework of Global Water Ethics in Ziegler and Groenfeldt, Global Water Ethics (Routledge 2017).
  • Developing an Ecumenical Framework for Water Justice in Ziegler and Groenfeldt, Global Water Ethics (Routledge 2017).
  • Trouble in Paradise? Environmental Destruction by US Military Forces Abroad, American Environmental Law, and the Law of Jurisdiction (International Institute for Okinawan Studies 2015).
  • The Clean Air Act, Volume II of Gerrard, Environmental Law Practice Guide (with S. Saulls and E. Lannet) (Matthew Bender 2000).
  • Federal Facilities: Achieving Environmental Excellence in Gerrard, Environmental Law Practice Guide (Matthew Bender 1998).
  • Remediation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Federal Facilities in Gerrard, Brownfields Law and Practice (Matthew-Bender 1998).
  • Crimes against the Environment (with S. Mandiberg) (Michie 1997) (with 1998-2004 Supplements).
  • Changing Corporate Environmental Behavior: Criminal Prosecution as a Tool of Environmental Policy, in Eckersley, Markets, Bureaucracy, and the Environment: New Directions in Governance (MacMillan Press 1995).
  • The Role of Criminal Prosecutions with Respect to Contaminated Sites in the United States, in Contaminated Sites in Australia: Challenges for Law and Public Policy 166-168 (Allen & Unwin 1993).

Articles, Essays and Other Publications

(*Refereed; most U.S. legal articles are not refereed)

  • "Creating Accountability or Wreaking Havoc?: An Analysis of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Legislative Review of Administrative Rules," 杏十八新茶分享 Center for Public Policy Research, Research Report (October 2000) (available online).
  • "Collaborative Approaches to Pacific Northwest Fisheries Management: The Salmon Experience," 6 Willamette J. Intl Law & Dispute Resolution 29-68 (1998).
  • *"Developments in United States Criminal Law," 21 Criminal Law 341 (1997) [peer reviewed Australian journal].
  • "Saving Swamps and Salmon: Strategies to Protect Biodiversity from Compensation Threats," ALI/ABA National Wetlands Conference on Property Rights and Wetlands Regulation (1996).
  • "Ecologically Sustainable Development: Integrating Economics," Ecology, and Law, 31 Willamette Law Review 251-305 (1995).
  • *“Doing Time for Environmental Crimes: The United States Approach to Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Laws,” 12 Environment and Planning Law Journal 168-182 (1995) [peer reviewed journal].
  • *“Developments in United States Criminal Law,” 19 Criminal Law Journal 90-94 (1995).
  • *”An Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove: Redefining the Role of Criminal Prosecution in Creating an Effective Environmental Enforcement System,” 19 Criminal Law Journal 10 (1995).
  • “Local, State & Federal Roles in Preserving Biodiversity: A Wetlands Case Study,” Legislating for Biodiversity 65-73 (EDO & ACEL 1993).
  • “Shields for the King’s Men: Official Immunity and Other Obstacles to Effective Prosecution of Federal Officers for Environmental Crimes,” 16 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 1-72 (1991).
  • “Can the King Do No Wrong?: Governmental Immunity Issues in Actions Against the United States and Its Officers,” 6 Natural Resources and Environment 16-60 (1991).
  • “State and Federal Regulation of Disposal of Produced Water,” 5 Eastern Mineral Law Institute 12-1 to 12-58 (1984).

Faculty Support

College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.