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Karen Sandrik

Associate Dean for Faculty; Professor of Law

Headshot of Karen Sandrik

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Collins Legal Center 410
245 Winter Street SE
Salem  Oregon  97301


  • An Empirical Study: Willful Infringement & Enhanced Damages in Patent Law, 28 Mich. Tech. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2021)
  • , S.M.U. L. Rev. (forthcoming Winter 2020)
  • , 41 Univ. Penn. J. Int’l L. 755 (2020)
  • Punishing the Malicious Pirate in Patent Law, 37 Rev. Litig. 369 (2019)
  • The Post-Grant Life, Coordinating & Strategizing Challenges of Issued Patents in Multiple Continents, 17 Chi-Kent J. Intell. Prop. 101 (2018)
  • A Restitution Perspective on Reasonable Royalties, 36 The Review of Litigation (2017 symposium article with John M. Golden)
  • A Uniform Grace Period: Promoting International Research and Development Collaboration, 91 Tulane Law Review 99 (2016)
  • Empowering Inventors, 30 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Special Symposium 147 (2016)
  • Innovative Contracting for Better Material Transfers, Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (2015)
  • Formal But Forgiving: A New Approach to Patent Assignments, 66 Rutgers Law Review 299 (2014)
  • Reframing Patent Remedies, 67 Miami Law Review 95 (2012)
  • Warranting Rightful Claims, 72 Louisiana Law Review 873 (2012)
  • Bullshit Promises, 76 Tennessee Law Review 379 (2009) (with Curtis Bridgeman)
  • Towards a Modern Definition of Religion, 85 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 561 (2008)
  • Note, Overlooked Tool: Promissory Fraud in the Class Action Context, 35 Florida State University Law Review 193 (2007)

Faculty Support

College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.