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James Nafziger

Thomas B. Stoel Professor of Law; Director of International Law Programs

Headshot of James Nafziger

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Collins Legal Center 427
245 Winter Street SE
Salem  Oregon  97301

Recent Books

  • Private International Law: Avoiding and Resolving Conflict of Laws  (co-edited) (Carolina Academic Press 2022).
  • Handbook on International Sports Law (co-edited) (2d ed., Edward Elgar 2022).
  • Frontiers of Cultural Heritage Law (Brill-Nijhoff 2021).
  • Comparative Law and Anthropology. (Edward Elgar Ltd., 2017).
  • Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade (co-edited) (Edward Elgar Ltd., paperback ed. 2016).
  • China’s Epochal Case: A Tale of Two Ships. (University of Maryland, 2016).
  • Cultural Law: International, Comparative and Indigenous, Cambridge University Press (2014).

Recent Chapters in Books

  • Article 11 of the UNESCO Convention, in Commentary on the 1970 UNESCO and 1995 UNIDROIT Conventions (Ana Vrdoljak, Alessandro Chechi & Andrzej Jakubowski eds.) (Oxford University Press 2022).
  • Export Controls, in The Routledge Handbook of Heritage and the Law (Lucas Lixinski & Lucie Morrisett eds.) (Routledge, 2022).
  • Legal Anthropology, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Catherine Valcke et al., eds) (Edward Elgar 2022).
  • Artificial Barriers to Migration--On the Border of International Law, Too?, in Migration and International Regulation (Masa Kovic-Dine & Vasilka Cancin eds., Springer 2021).
  • International Sports Law, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law (Oxford 2021). 
  • Two Chapters - Article 1: Purposes of the Convention and Articles 29-30: Reports by the States Parties and the Committee (with Janet Blake), in The 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention (Recipient of the American Society of International Law's 2021 Certificate of Merit for High Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars) Janet Blake & Lucas Lixinski eds., Oxford University Press 2020. 
  • The Responsibilities to Protect Cultural Heritage and Prevent Cultural Genocide, in The Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law (Francesco Francioni & Ana Filipa Vrdoljak eds., Oxford University Press 2020).
  • National Implementation of International Court Decisions, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, No. 0583 (2020).
  • National Identity in Sports Tourism, in Sports Law: Present and Future (Kee-Young Yeun ed. 2018).
  • Some Personal Reflections about Getting Started as an International Lawyer, in 35 Chinese (Taiwan) Y.B. Int’l L. & Aff. (Ying-jeou Ma ed. 2017).
  • Introduction to Comparative Law and Anthropology, in Comparative Law and Anthropology (James A.R. Nafziger ed. 2017).
  • Cultural Landscapes Significant to Indigenous Peoples, in Comparative Law and Anthropology 153 (James A.R. Nafziger ed. 2017).
  • Spectator and Other Supporter-Induced Violence: Albanian and Serbian Football Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport, in Recht Und Realität 891 (Stefan Lorenzmeier & Hans-Peter Folz eds. 2017); reprinted in Mega Events in Sport: Legal Environment 79 (Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos & Olga Shevchenko eds. (2017), in 22 Herald (Russian International Olympic University), No. 1, at 30, 84 (2017) (English and Russian version), and in 12 Int'l Sports L. Rev. Pandektis Nos. 1-2, at 71 (2017).
  • Rights and Wrongs of and About Nationality in Sports Competition, in Fundamental Rights in International and European Law 309 (Christophe Paulussen et al. eds. 2016). 
  • Defining the Scope and Structure of International Sports Law: Four Conceptual Issues, in Lex Sportiva, (Vieweg, ed.) (2015).
  • Cultural Heritage Law (with Robert Kirkwood Paterson), in Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade 1 (James A.R. Nafziger and Robert Kirkwood Paterson eds. 2014).
  • International Trade in Cultural Materialin Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade 506 (James A.R. Nafziger and Robert Kirkwood Paterson eds. 2014).
  • United Statesin Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade 506 (James A.R. Nafziger and Robert Kirkwood Paterson eds. 2014).
  • Values and Justice in the Culture of Sports: The Problem of Dopingin Essays in Honour of Spyridon Vl. Vrellis 627 (charalambos Pamoukis ed. 2014). 

Recent Law Review Articles and Essays

  • The Law and Bioethics of End-of-Life Decisions: United States National Report, International Academy of Comparative Law, 69 Am. J. Comp. L. (Supp. 2022).
  • The Mutuality of National and International Identities in International Sports Law, 114 AM.J.Int'L L. Unbound (2020).
  • Enforcement of Judgments, Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Foreign Sovereign Immunity and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, 55 Willamette L. Rev. 475 (2019).
  • The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage: Its Growing Influence, 49 J. Mar. L. & Com. 37 (2018).
  • Assault on International Law (review essay of book by Ohlin), 110 Am. J. Int'l L. 142 (2016).
  • Discrimination Issues and Related Law, in Research Handbook of Employment Relations in Sport 272 (Michael Barry, James Skinner & Terry Engelberg eds. 2016) (with Klaus Vieweg).
  • Trading and Returning Cultural Objects Under International Law, 2 Santander Art & Culture L. Rev. 179 (2016).
  • Foreign Cultural Heritage Claims: New Zealand v. Ortiz Thirty Years Later, with Robert K. Peterson, in For the Sake of Present and Future Generations: Essays on International Law, Crime and Justice in Honour of Roger S. Clark, (Linton, Simpson and Schabas, eds.) (2015). 
  • The Draft Convention on Immunity from Suit and Seizure for Cultural Objects Temporarily Abroad for Cultural, Educational or Scientific Purposes (with Nout Van Woudenberg), 21 Int'l J. Cult. Prop. 481 (2014).
  • European and North American Models of Sports Organizations (Chinese translation:
    "Comparison Between the Professional Sports Collective Negotiation System in the East and in the West"), 35 Sport Sci. Res., No. 4, at 6 (2014) (in Chinese).
  • Going to War and Going Ahead with the Law, 50 Willamette L. Rev. 321 (2014) (invited contribution for the 50th-anniversary issue). A later version appears in The First World War: 100 Years Since Its Outbreak 561 (Jovan Ćirić & Miroslav Đortđević eds. 2014). 
  • Values and Justice in the Culture of Sports: The Problem of Doping, in Essays In Honour Of Spyridon Vl. Vrellis 627 (Charalambos Pamboukis ed. 2014).
  • Toward a Broader Concept of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (with Anastasia Telesetsky), 11 Transnat’l Disp. Mgmt., March 2014, at 1.
  • The International Law of Migration, 21 Willamette J. Int'l L. & Disp. Res. 1 (2013).
  • International Law within the Legal System of the United States of America, in Monism & Dualism, (Marko Novaković ed. 2013).
  • On the Right of Exclusion: Law, Ethics and Immigration Policy (review essay of a book by Bas Schotel), 24 Eur. J. Int'l L. 735 (2013).
  • The World Heritage Convention and Non-State Actors, in Realizing Cultural Heritage Law 73 (Lyndel V. Prott, Ruth Redmond-Cooper & Stephen Urice eds., 2013)
  • The 1970 UNESCO Convention: Insights, Circumspections, and Outlooks in La Convención de la UNESCO de 1970: Sus Nuevos Desafíos 211 (Jorge A. Sanchez Cordero ed. 2013).
  • The Legal Regime against Doping in Major League Baseball, in New Prospects for Sports Law 127 (Jae-Mok Lee ed., 2013).

Faculty Support

College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.