

Business Lawyering Institute

The Business Lawyering Institute prepares attorneys for leadership in the business world. The institute's goal is to prepare the best business lawyers of tomorrow with the recognition that the most effective business attorneys possess not only excellent legal training but also a working knowledge of management, finance, operations, marketing, technology, human resources and other topics that come into play in real-life situations.

Karen Sandrik, BLI Co-Director

The Business Lawyering Institute (BLI) trains future lawyers in the art and practice of business lawyering. The BLI also provides a space where business executives and lawyers convene to share best practices, identify trends, and explore synergies for successful business strategies.

The BLI has three guiding principles:

  1. Good lawyers are good problem solvers and value-added partners with their clients. They are not just experts in the law.
  2. Good lawyers understand the broad context, business or otherwise, in which legal issues arise.
  3. Good lawyers recognize that ethics and professionalism, including a commitment to diversity, are central to the profession.

The BLI will implement those principles through new and existing courses, experiential learning opportunities, collaborative events, networking, a dedicated space, and additional resources. Outstanding BLI Student Fellows assist the BLI in obtaining student input on proposals, plans, and ideas for additions, as well as provide information to other students of the BLI and Fellowship Program.


Centers of Excellence

(503) 370-6046

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