

Technology Council Charter

The purpose of the Technology Council is to:

  1. Establish the strategic direction for information technology and guide the information technology strategic planning process;
  2. Establish and oversee a sustainable funding model for information technology infrastructure and services;
  3. Review and prioritize requests for major information technology initiatives, ensuring that strategies for acquiring adequate resources have been approved;
  4. Advocate for resources to meet the strategic goals for information technology;
  5. Review and approve information technology policies, ensuring that policy exists to establish authority, accountability and responsibility relating to information and technology;
  6. Provide direction regarding opportunities for leveraging technology, optimizing the use of University information technology resources and preventing unnecessary redundancy or non-sustainable service implementations within the context of the University’s mission, goals and priorities;
  7. Address technology-related risks to achieve practical, sustainable information security policies and procedures to protect the University and comply with applicable laws and regulations;
  8. Administer the information technology governance framework, establish priorities for the Advisory Committees and consider recommendations they bring forward; and
  9. Communicate its decisions to the University community.

Technology Council

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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